Contact: Contact:
Phone: 727-526-5451 Phone:
Fax: Fax:
E-mail: E-mail:
Name: Name:
Contact: Contact:
Phone: Phone:
Fax: Fax:
E-mail: E-mail:
Contract Administrator: Chief Sergio Velazquez
Phone: 305-687-2553
Contract Administrator: Chief Sergio Velazquez
Phone: 305-687-2553
Prepared by: Carmen Escalera
Ca,rlos Bernand.e~ J\d· . ' . .. ayQr
CoiliicU President
Os¢at ])e ;La llosa
Co11ncil Vice President City of Hialeah
QctQber ~3,.2020
Honorable Mayor Clµ'los Hernanciez
Amt Council Members
Hialeah, Florida :tm1 o
ITEM#_E __
NOV 10 2020
~: Armis Tactical Vest and Torso Shootet Cut Rit1e::PlaJ:~
Dear Mayor Hernandez and. Council Members:.
Council Members:
Kathadnie Cu.e-Eu~nte
MJiijff:a ~erez'
Jesus: Tundidor
Pursuant to the Ci1:y of Hialeah Code of Ordinances 2-8t81 the Cit}" is. authorlzedt<l piggyback and' into contracts without competitive bidding: by utilizing · existipg focal, state · or other
governmental authorities that followed a competitive, bidtfing: procedt,tte leading to the a.warq of a
The Hhdeah Police Department would like to utilize the Vab.te Point NJ\SP0 Master Agreement
2016-181 to purchase twenty Armis IIIA vest and forty torso sb.ootet Qut rifle plates, The vests and
plates will be utilized by our Crisis Negotiation Teanl (CNT). The CNT unit is currently working
·witha vest that has. exceeded its shelf life. The expired vest and rifle plate will not protect our CNT
unit with the same reliability and consistency and sh<:nild beteplaced immediately,.
I re~peqtfuUy reqttest authorization to expend Police D.~parjJli~JJ.t L1E/f.F, State ftmds in an amount
not to exceed $45, 765.00 payable to the SRT Supply~,
~p.e balance remaining in the f05.IOQO.S211i40 LJ3.T.F. $'tate account after this request is
.,..,...-. .~ _,asoftheagendad,eadline. After $5,355 from fund balance.
~e · O' Velazquez
'ief of Police ; .
~ISA.PPR.OVED:-.-;;;.;;;;;~~~~~~~L~-~-~ Luis
~QI Pal111A\lenue, Hl-lc~fo F,l9rl\f~ • 3~,Q!Q'4?19
1~ Sergi<> Velazquez~ Chief of Polfoe, Hialeah Polfoe·. Department do he:r.eby certify that
the aforementioned r~q~est to expend fund$ from ~cq9uq.t,fflQ$·~lQOQ •• 52.t.l Ao L.E.J1F~ ~~ate'in a
t()tai amount not to exceed $45, 765.00 for twenty ·)IA vest .arttrfbrtY torso .i ..
rifle plates~ · · · ·
Chief of Police
Sworn to and sub$cri~ed me thi.~~. day of~~~ 2()20
(Notary Seal)
. Public, State of Florida . ·;,, ,,'•,
Personall)' Known: ---~--"1 .,_·i __ , OR Produc.ed Identification: ____ _
Type of'IcientificatiOn Produce&---------
. '-~· . ·;·
. '. ~
· ....
/ :\.
~ ·~ •.' -. ;
'•. ~ ! • I • ,, : i~ 01 : : , -:.
. •, ~
. .. ~ .. ..... ·.
! .......
··.PO.:~OX: 2~~73
.TAMPA, FL 3j·622
·. 1·21~526~5451 .·
·~ts ¢qmpl~te s~~l~/~, cut.Ac?; .
. si.>E:CifY s·i~~. ~ ·~OLOR
Gender::. ·MA!.E
g()lc:rr;:, sµ.¢k
N~t:.e ';\ : PP.LIGE NP;®~u.\'J'O~ IN ~AAQW
. P¢~<1M().t .,, ~ti:>
·. PC:SOPO~O.J. -.$~. ~x:i:o:niY
PcimCOll.COJ'• ~ D$L CUFF
·~CSMi1'0'ACOJ~PB1' i.>xs'i'ot : -:·" .. >" ,.... . : ., '· / . , .. ,,., ., .
Ent,ered Jly~ HAO
. a~t&A.a:POLJc~:oarMMm
·~t 'nTrtLr.\1nh:r\1rn..T'l'n'nu· Pi.i. ,.: ~:'!; ~~Mi.,~·S(.l.;!;IJ;:'U,:~ .'· . • .
. AO A 'NASPL't'2201'CSK .J90.0Q 7~6.oo.o.o
~$·1~'·1;()~~9 lQ~~~fl:lY~L t~:i:ttVIC~ t.t.ll\:i sir OTERi. ·or-·R!FLE
Pl!A'!.'~; M/f < · r.:t:t./~Vd0{;,06
Tait#; '230532502454<2.
, Qµpt~T9Jat .
.Alt llelumsf\re ubje t to a~1$•% ~estoqking Charge• ..... ·· · . . .. · . . .. .
i rtEMSL.IS1:@ '·.·. l.'l!S.~(l)OTJMENi;M;\;YR,EQu,nwA®.. n.sT:,~$'l19¥~~. •·•··.·· .... ·. / .··
NllSPO ValmtPobat
Body .Armor Prod•clll
Administered by the State of Colonclo (hereinafter "Lead State11
Pohl.I Blank Eatupdsea, Jne.
Master Agreement No: 2016--181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State of .lr!zoaa
(heraillafter "Participating State/Entity0
4. Pd••'V Cmllpm: The pdmary contact btdlviduals for this Participating Addendum 8%8 as
fallows (or their named rmcceacms):
c ontractor. Point Blank En . Inc.
Name C&inila Oliv8ira. Sales & ---I
Addrea 21Ga SW Ind Street.:-Bem?h.. FL 33069 ·-i Ti • -r864} 63Q.0900 Ezt. 1824
E-mail .. . -. .cam
Pmtic::ipaling Entity: State of Arizona, Depmtment of Administrative Senrices. Slate
Procmament Ollic:e
100 Horth 1St11 A:
E-mail · Michael.Fl .
Suite 201 Phoellix. AZ 88007
5. SghF041raclm: AllPoint BlaDk Enterprises, Dil1ributom authmized in the State of Adzoaa, as
shown on the dedicated Point Blank Enteiprises. Inc. NASPO VeluPaint wehaite. are approved
to piovide sales andaenice support to putic:ipanta In the NASPO ValuePoinl Master AgreemeaL
'1'he Contsactor's Distributor's participali~ will be in accordmlc:e wtlh the tezma and c:ondlllana
set fmth in the aforementioned Master Agieement.
&. Onlop; Any Order placed by a Puticipating Entity or Pmcbasing Entity far a Product and/or
Service available from Ibis Master Agreement sb.a11 be deemed to be a sale under
(and govemed by the prices and other terms aad conditions) of the Master Agreement unless
the pmties to the Order agree in writing that another COJdract or ag:mement applies to sw:h
DSPO ValuePohlt
Body~ Pndacta
Administered by the State of Colondo {hereinafter "Lead State")
PohatBlaak~, Ille.
Master .Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State of .lliaoaa
(hereinafter 11Participadng State/Entity")
JN Wl'1'NESS WHEREOF, tile putles haVe ezecuted Ibis Addendum as o! th& date of ezecution by
.bothpmties below.
,..... Paztfalpadng ____ S_tate_: -------------~~~---·~~=C=o_ftltactor:_-_· _-._P_omt_-_a_1a111t __ Entmpn. ___ -._1ac_. __ 1
By: Br.
. Name:
. Date: "z~ oz, (,. ____ _ __ . _____ ) Date: ________ _
[AddfdODal signatures as mqui:ed by Pattic:ipaling State}
For questions on executing a participating addendum, please contact:
NASPO VaiuePoint
Coo erative Develo ment Coordinator : Tim Ha
: 503-428-5705 I E-mail I
(Please em all f1lllv eacecatecl PDI' oopy of tlala clocnamt!lllt to
PJl@!y! to S11J1pod dooamentatioa of pautlclpatloa
-•posting In ap .... date dataltases]
HISPO VahaePoiat
Body llmor Pradllc:ts
AdmhUstered by the State of Colozado (hereblafter "Lead State")
Poiat BlaDk Entmprisea, Iu.
Master Agreement No: 2018-181
{hereinafter "Contractor")
stale of Jldzona
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity .. )
1. IBam: '1'biu addendmn coveu the Bocly Jlnnor Prod.uts Jed by the Slale of Colorado tor use by state
ageaci• and other entitles located in the Pmticipatiag State/Entity authoDzed hy that atate'a statutes to
utilire &1ate/emity contracts with the piior appxoval of the Stale'& Chief Procurement Otlida1.
2. DazttAJH!Hp; Use of &pecilic NASPO ValuePoint cooperative conttacl8 by agencies, poJltlcaJ.
nbdi9iBimus and Olher andlles (inch1ding cooperadveB) aldhoDzedby an indtvidaal &tale's atatntea to use
atate(eJdlty contJ:Bcts are subject to tbs p%ior appmval al the iespeeliva State Chiaf Pmcurenumt O&icial.
JmmeB of interpratation and eligiblUty for pmticfpadon ua solely within die authority of the State Chief
Plac:mament 01llciaL
3. .,......,,.. pPtefflpfftyMgHAee!IPP' gr ldd@w ta Mpt!nrlp!em•pt:
(1'base modUlc:athms ar addidons apply 011ly to actions and relationshipa within the
Pazticlpating &dlty.)
PuticipaliDg StateJEntity to check one box.
[_] No cbanges to the terms and conditions of lhe Master Agreement me required
[XJ The fallowing chaJtges are modifying or supplementing' the Muter Agreement
ProcmeAZ tamw. .PlocureAZ (https:/ / ii the State's online eProc:uremant
system. Although lhe system was can&gmed for lbe Stato'aneeds, the appllcationis based
cm a commarcial product lcnown as BuySpeed Online, made by Periscope Holdlslgs. Inc.
As a rua1t. some of the terms used in the BuySpeed. Onl1ae applicaticm may be
semantically different to similar terms used by the State. The following terms are as they
appear in BuySpeed Online (and ProcureAZ), along with their conespcmdJng meanings
as they apply to the sollcitation.
"Actual Gast" mellJIS the total value of all items and Cbeir ezteuded qwmtldes.
".Altemate kl I Altemate ma is an opdonal field and means any additio!\81 data in order
to link a solicitation or project to a related pn:1ject, activity or program.
"Attachments" means the section, as displayed in PmcureAZ. where the soUcilatlon's ·
P.IB.'1'1CJP.l.'1'11'G .IDDENDUM
1USPO ValuePoint
Body Armor Pzoducts
Admhdstered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Point Blank ED.talprillem, Inc.
Master .Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor'')
(hereinafter .. Participating State/Entity11
eledmnic docaments may he attached. AUaclmumts as de&:aed in the tJn1fmm
lmdJUcticms may include Solicttation.Altaclunelllll, and/or as defined in the Unifolm Terms
and ConditiOllS may include Contract Altacbments.
"Buyer" mew pmcmement officer.
"Catalog ID" la an optiana1 data field and means an identilication number to
signify a gmup of relal8d COllbaCIB.
UContact fnstmcdana• means the contact jpfonnatiOn for the proc:memut oJlicer.
"Control Code" la an opdonal 6eld Uld meU18 an idendfication c:baractansdc otthe c:antract.
.,,. AKO° meU18 the number of days 'After Receipt of Order' in which the customer
will rec:elva the Oftlered materials and/or services.
"Depaztment" means the cuatol11er for wham the solieilation. or
"Discount %" is an optional field and means the standard discount
applfed to all items.
"Entered Data" memas the date that the contract was awarded. not necessarily the date
the contract Btart&, e.g., Master Blanket/Comract Begin Date.
"F1sca1 Year" means the State Fiscal YOilr in which the solicitation was iniw..ed. In the
8'9el1t of contract(s) resu1dng from the salicitation. the Fiscal Year shall renudn
"F.teight Tenne" means how freight will be charged lDlder the co:ntract.
"Minor Status" is an optional dala field and means a type of statns
indicator of the contmct in Proc:ure.AZ.
N.ISPO Val1UIPoint
Bod.y Jlmau Pzoclucts
Administered by the State of Colondo (hereinafter "Lead State")
Point Blank Enterpdses, Jnc.
Master Agreement No: 2018-181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State or Jlzizona
(hereinafter ''Participathtg State/Entity")
"Olganizatian• means the scate ageacy under whose 8Ulhority the
solfcitation or contract was conducted.
"PaJW Terms• means lhe peiiod of dme that payment hi due after
ieceipt of an accmate invoice.
oPcmi Eztablad• m an optional data field and means that custom.em m:e allowed to QSEl
lheirpUldlaslng calCl (P..card) to order from the contract within the PmcmeAZ system.
"PO Ac:1mowledgamena means the list the notifications to the Cantractar and their
aclmowledgemenl:I of these notices.
"PO Type" memw the period oI time that the contract ism place. either a one-time
"81118Ction, Open Market. or for a stated period of lime, Blanket.
"Pmd Detaila is an optional data field and means a prlnt formal applicable to
"Pdm Format" means the lormat of the solicitation or contract prlnt output.
"Pmject No.• is an optional field and means an identification
chmac:leristic of the contract.
identificatiou namher.
"Plm:haser" means procurement oJficer.
"ReceJpt Method" means the method by which materials and/or se:vicea under die
contract are received. either by amount spent, Dollar, or by item units, Quantity.
lUSPO ValuePolnt
Body Jlrmor Products
.Admildslared hy the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Pobd Blaak Entezpdsea, Jnc:.
Master .Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor'')
State of Alizoaa
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
"lele1111e Humher" means the order number of each order under the c:cmtracL The
·Masler Bhmbt/Ccmtract will always reflect a zero "O" release number.
"Releue Type" means the pracess that orders under lbe contract are subject to wWd:n
Prac:meAZ. zeqailing approval on an o?der-by-order basis, e.g., Standard. Releases or
not l8qDirh'lg approval. e.g., Direct Release.
"Retainage %"is an optional field and means the amount of the
8Sbippfng Melhocl" means Um method of abipping to be used
under tbe mntract.
"SllippiDg 'rems" means the point where the Contractor. wm llbip the ma•erlala and/ar
am ;:fees to, ;md if accepted, the point when respcmsil:>ility and UOe passes fmm the
CcmtzacfDr ta the State.
"Shmt Dascdption" means the conlracl' title.
"Status" meaaa the availability of tlle contract within Procure.AZ ror ordering, e.g., Sent statu.
'Taz Code", if applicable, means the amount of tuea, expressed as a percentage. to
be added to all items pun:hased under the contract. As items may be subject to
dffferJng tu rates, this field may he bJank
"Type Code11 means the category of customers that may use any resaltfng contrac:t(s).
E.g., Single-Agency, Multi-Agenc::y or Statewide.
"Vendor" means Contractor.
In the event of a conflict in the provisiOM of the Contract, as accepted by the Stale and
u they may be amended, the fallowing shall prevail in the cm1er set fmth below.
21 Amcna. Special Terms and Conditions;
2 2. Arbcma tJnilonn Tenns and Conditions;
H&SPO ValuePoint
Body Jbmar Pmclucta
Admizdstered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Point Blallk Elltelpdses, !De.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor'')
State of~
(hereinafter "Participatirlg State/Entity")
23. J\lipma PBJUcipating Addendum;
2 4. lfJUDIO Master Price Jlgreement
'ftle tmm of Ille cantract shall commence upon July 31, 2016 and lball remain hi. e«ect for
a padad of one liscal year (July 31, 2017), unless temiuted., canceJec1 or atem'ecl a
otbmwile pmvideclhereia. The Contmctor agiees that the State of Aiimna shall have tbe
zlght, II ilB llOla apdon, ID 1Udlalerally extend the cantract for four (4) addltkmal one year
pelioda or a pmtiml thereof. The mu::imum stahltmy limit of lll8 for this PartldpatlDg
Jlcfdendmn is 3/14/3021. In the event that the State erwcises such iigbt. an temll.
. comHttana and pmvtskms of the orlgi:na1 contract and its amandments shall mmah\
1lldlulged. At the time of tbls Patticipating Addendwu, Iha State of Colarado bas a
'Durallon af Jlgmement' for 03/3113016 -03/181B018 (hddal period) mu:l three (3)
l8JleW8ble yeam; ending 3114/2021.
'ftd8 CDldlaCt shall be for the use of all State of .Alizona departments. agandes.
c:o111111•ainns and hoillds. In addition, eligible universities, polilk:a1 81lbdhisiaDs and.
noapudit edacalioaal or public health institutions may participate at tlleir cliscretioD. In
ozder to pmticipa!e In. Ilda ccmtract, a univemity, political suhdivision, or nonprafit
educatimUJl or public health inlltitulion shall have entered into a Cooperative Pm• :1yra1n5I'
Agreement with the Department of .Administration. Stale Procmement omce as iequluHl
by .Admna Revised Statntes § 41-2832.
5.1 Ccmtmdor &hall pay an Administrative Fee lo Ille State in the amount of cma
pemmt (1 %) of the total contract sales. The Administrative Fee is calculated hued
on all sales tnmsactad under the contract, minus all taxes and any mtmns or
aedib. The AdmhUstraUve Fee shall not ha chargecl dhectly lo the customer, e.g.,
as a separate line item. a fee or a smchatge, but shall be inclnded in the contract's
5.2 The Administrative Fee shall be &llhmitted. along wilh a Quuterly Usage
Baport documenting all COJlllact sales, lo the State Piocmement Office withiza thirty
(80) days faDowing the end of each calendar quaxter. For mme in!mmatlon on the
HASPO ValuePoint
Body .lnnor Praclact&
Administered by the State of Cololado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Pobat BlaRk Eatezpdaes, lac.
Master Agreement Na: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor')
Slate of Adzona
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
Olllatm:1J Ullge lepmt or the AdmiDiatrative Fee, its calcalaticm. submfllfon or use,
1188 tile &late Pmcmement Ollice's web site at'
lesamaml.Admin Fee.
5.3 Al its option. the S1ate may limit the appllcabilitJ of the Adminlatralive Fee to
caatraot aaJes flma some customers and not to othezs. e.g., fee is only applicable to
liJel flam members of tbe State Purcbaaing Cooperatlva aad not aB1ea to State
JlgaDci89. See the State's webalte (above) form more infomtalion In Ibis ragilld. The
Stille will pmvida thirty (30) days written notice before e.zercfaing or changing tbia
5.4 Fallme ta zamit .Administrative fees in a timely manner ar remit fees incoMlstenl
wJda Ille c:antract'a raquizemenle may result m the Stata enm:faing any recoune
nda!tle under the cmdract inc=Jucting a third patty audit of all conlrBd actmty. Sbaa1d
aa mldltbe mqahed by the Stale, the c:ontrador shall reimburse tbe State ror an coata
lllOCdatad with Ille audit up to s.or one (1 %) pme&l1l of the contracts edmaled annual value, wbfcbeNr is
5.!5 'Die Adminillrl.Uw Fuu shall be submitted, a1oag with a Quartmty Usage llepmt
to die State Pracarament omce · within umty (30) days following lhe end of each
calendar qaarter. Ad.mfnistrative Fees shall be sabmilted lo the followmg addresl:
JldmnaDepartment of
Admbdatradon State
Pmcmzement Office
Allmdfcm: 'Statewide Contract
AdmmlatratlvaFae' lOON. 16th
Awmae, Suite 201
PhoeJ1fx. AZ 88007
5.6 The submission schedule Cor .Administrative Fees and
Usage repoz11 lhall be as follows: July through
September (FY' 01) -Due October 31
OctDbar tbmagh December (FY 02) -Due January 31
Janaary through Mmc:h (FY' 03)
-Dae by .Apd1 30 April through
June (FY' 04) -Due by July 31
RllSPO ValaePolnt
Bady Jlnnor J'Eodacts
Administarecl by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Pobat Blank Eatarpdaes, lac:.
Master Ag%eement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State of Jlrizoua
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
For the pupoau of fhil c:antract. contract release order/purchase cm:lem are those
t1lat ma laaecl by an eligible agency any of 1he ratlowlng Corms:
t.1 Bmd copy, one time only or blanket (tenn type) type;
U Elac:tzmdc:aDr tranmnitted through facsimile equipment:
6.3 Eledrmdcally' tralismitted as an e-mail attacbmanl;
u Elactrcmically transmitted tbmugh a contraclor'a Electranic Data JntelClumge
(EDI) sptem ar secured internet/web portal. Le. tha8e Iba.I provide eledranic
"""'"Darce aslllllmlce for the electroDic: llUbm1ulon ofpmchase cmfem.
pmcbatJe order tracking utd. wpcming.
u 1. SUcb systems shall not allow for purchase ordan ta be placed for non-contract or
ezdaded items.
a 41 Use of each Sf8l8ma shall be at the BOia at the sole cUsczedcm of the
elfgible agency and all cost uaoc:iated with set-up, mafnlmlanc:e and mppart
sll.all be borne by the contractor.
H Electronieally tJnaugh State's or eligible agencies p-caid program.
e e Tldls c:muract was aw.m:ted in accoida:nce with the Arizona ~mement Code
and an tnmsactions and procedures reqDiled by the c:ade for mmpatitive.
some& aalectkm have been meL A cmU:ract ntlease order/pmdaaae order,
infdated in aecmdanee with the reqairamaJda COlllained heiein, that cites tbe
c:oznct Arinma contract number is Che only dommumt ieqaired..for die ilgency
to order and the contractor to deliver the material and /at senfce.
8 7 Any attempt to represent any material and/or service not specilicaDy awarded,
u bef:agmu:ler contmct with the Stale of Arizona is a violatiml of Iha CD1draCt and
the .Arimna Prac:urement Code. Any such action Is subject to dut legal and
conlraclual remedies availahle to the state inclusive of. but not limfted to,
cnntract csmcellatkm. saspenalon and/or debarment of the c:ontractor.
6 a All orders should contain the following lm\guage: "PO Is subject to WSCA Conllact #
88008YYY18P/W&CA" .
11D1esa apecilically authorized in the Contract, aay electronic or information technology
dmedtotheStaleofArizonaunderthissolicitationshallcomplywithAJLS.141-3931 and
3B38 and.Section 608 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which requires that employees aml
l l
:1 .. ,
l ·l
HllSPO ValuePomt
Body Armor Pnd1lcla
.Admmistered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Pobat Blank Entezpdses, Inc.
Master Agreement Ro: 2018-181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State of JblzoDa
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
mmnbem of Ille public abaI1 have ac:cesa to and 1188 of lnfona•tion tedmolagy tbat ii
cmnpamble to l1L8 ac:c:esa ULd wse by employees and members o£ the public who me llOl
htdivfdaals wilh dillllbillUea.
llefillerpazty lllall ase. advwtiae or pmmole infonnadon for eommemia1 belle&
.Any matmlpls, tnchtding reports. computer programs and other delivmab1el, cnafed
1llldar tlds Comract are the sale propezty or tile Sta1a. The Contractor sbaDnot use or
ml.a.e tbese 1111tedals withom the prior wdttan c:onsant of the State.
Ooatrador sbaD lndmmdfy, defend, save and hold banale&B the Stale of Adzoaa. WI
deparlmezdll, agendas. boards, commi81icms, mdvemitiea and. Us olk:em, otlicials,
. agaDIS. and employees (hereinafter refarrecl to as "lndemnitee") from and
agalmt any ad all claims. actions. liabilities. damagee, lmmes, or mr:pelllll!I (indmtfng
aamt caslB. attameys' fees. and costs of claim pzacesatng, investigalkm and Jitigadon)
(JNtei1mRerie&med to as •CJaims") tor bodily injury or penonal injury (mclnrting death),
or loaa or damage to taJlgible or intangible property caused. or alleged to ba canMd, bl
wllaJe ar fn part. by the negligent or willfD1 acts or ondnlrms af Contractor ar any of ils
owams. afllceD, dixec:tom. agents, employees or subcaDtmctam. This indnmttyj:nclndgs
illlf alaim or amount arising out of or recovered under the Wodams' Compensatlcm:Lawar
miliDg' out of the flli1me of sw:h contractor ta confomt to any federal, staae ar lcall law,
Blafnte,, cmliluDu:a, nJe. regulation or court decree. It is the spec:Uic intention af dmparties
tbat the Jndemnltee shall, ·in all insbmces, mpt for Claims mising so1a1y flam the
Deg1fgent ar wDlfa1 acts or omisuiODS of the lndemnitee, be iademni&ad by Cmdractor
&am and agahud any and all claims. It is agreed that Contractor will he respnmdble !Or
pzfmmy loss investigation, defense and judgment c:osts whme lhiu indemnllicdm is
appHcable. Ill consfderaticm of the of this contract, the Contractor agzees to waive
aB llghl8 of &Dbragation against the State of Arizona. WI ofllcem, oflicia1s. ageaCs aml
employees far 1assea uiaiDg from lhe work performed by lhe Contrac:tor far the State af
Tida iDdenmtty shall not apply If the conttaator or sub-contractcr(s) is/are an agency,
haazd. aommlssicm or univemity of the State of Amons.
N1ISPO ValuePoint
Body Annar Products
Acbrrinistered by tha State of Colondo (herei:nafter "Lead State")
Pobat Blank Entezprises1 Ina.
Master Agreement No: 2018-181
(hereinaf'ter "Contractor")
State of .lllzoaa
(hereinafter .. Participating State/Entity")
Comacb:Jr and subccmlractoD &ball proc:me and mai:ataln until all of thair obligations
Jmebeen6dmged. includhlg any warranty periods under.1ldl Conlract, are •tfsffed.
· ln11u1Me agatmt cJaims for bljmy 10 penons or damage to ptOpezty wbiah may arise
imaar in ecmnriml with the performance af the work hereunder by tlle Conlnclmt Jds
apnlll.apnMntatives. employees or aubcoldractom.
'ftaeiw1te1&C& nqaimmentaheiein are minimum reqairements fmtbis CoalZact imdilUIO
way limit lbe fndenmily cowmmts ccmtamed In tJds Contract. The State of .AJizaJla in .no
11&7 w11ra 11 •1 that tba mlNmam limits contained bendn ue sulllc:fent ta pmtac:t 1118
Co"'*• •w nm U.hflftfM 1hat might azise out of the pmformance of the wmk mu:1er llds
0 111 1&artbftheCcmtractor,itaagenta,~.employeeaornbcon1ractm:a, amt
Ctusbmmr ill flee to pmdulle additional iDsmance.
l. Bmdsle&s &1atomobile Liability
Bodily bljary and Propezty Damage for any owned. lmed. and/or mm-owned
' I
NUPO ValaePoiat
Body Almor Pradllds
Administered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State'')
PofDt Blank Enterpdses, Inc.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hmeinafter "Contractor")
State of .lrlztma
(hereinafter "Participating State/Enlity'')
vehfc:les used in the pBlfcmaance of this Ccmlract.
Oombiud 8iDgle Limit (CSL) $1,000,000
a The policy llhaJl be endoned to include the foDowil1g additimud htamed
lmlguage: "'1'he State of Amtma, illl deputmmUs. agencies. bnmdl,
mmmfssions. univanilies and ill offlcen. ammala, ag8ldll, Biid
emplDyees shaD he named as 8dditumal insureds wilb respecl to liability
arising out ol the activities pelfcmned by or on behalf of the Cmdraaklr,
Dmtlving automobiles owned. leased. hired or buaawed by Iha
b Policy aba11 contain a waiver of aulm>gation against Ille Blale of Arimnl,
u depmtments. agenciu, boanls. c:amnrissfons, 1IDivmables rmd ila
ollcenr, otlicials, agents, utd employees for lOBl88 miliDg' &om wade
pedmaed by or on behalf of the Contractor.
3. Workm's Compensation and
EmpJoyem' Liability
Wadcels' Compmsatfon
F.llip1oyalll' Liability
lmp1oyee Disease -
Polley Limit
S B00,000
s 800,000
a Pallc:y shall contain a waiver of suhrogation against the Stale of
Jb:izona, its departmenas, agencies, boards. commfmons,
1IDivenitiea and its oflicem, officials, agents. and employees for
losses arising· from wmk petfomaecl by ar cm behalf of the
b This requjrement shall not apply to: Separately, EACH
contractor or nbcontractor exempt tmder A.llS. 33-801, and
when such comractor or subcontractor ezecutes the
appzopdate waiver (Sole Pioplietor/fndependent Contractor)
lUSPO ValuePoiat
Bod.y Jlnaar Products
Admiaistarad by the State of Colorado (hereinafter 11Lead State")
Poblt Blank Enterpdsee, llU:.
Master .Agreement No: 20Ui·l81
(hereinafter "Contractorn)
State of Jlzizona
(hereinafter "Participatinq State/Entity")
1. 'l'lle Stale of Arizona, its departments. agencies, boards. cmnm•ukml, antv«mdUM mu:1
Ila ofllcem. oflic:fa•a, agents, and emplayees wherever additional in&mad atablB is
zeqabad. SDch addilianal inauredsball bec:avered to the fullllmils ofUabillty'Pu.zcllued
bf 1118 COJUlactor, even if those limilB of llabWty are In excess of those mqailedby tlds
z. '1'1111 Ccm1raC1on 1nmr.uu:e coverage shall be primary iJUrmance with 1espect to an other
avallab1e llOUZCBB.
3. Coverage provided by the Ccmliactar sball not be limited lo the liability assmaecl uader
die fnden•nlftcalkm provisions of tbis Contract.
c. NQDCI DE c;pra[,J,JlTJON: With the exc:eption of (10) clay notice of amc:eJJatfnn lor ncm-
pajiiitild of pmmhtm, any changes materlal to complimu:e with this camract m tba
iasuaaee pallciea above aball require (30) days wmten l\Dtic:e to Iha Stal8 of
lhfmna Sac:h natice sball be sent dile~ to .ArJzcma De~ of Admjnj!draP::d Stale
Pmcw•ent.Oflice Jocaled at 100 N. 181 Ave., SUite 201, and Phoenix. AZ 86007 l1laD
be sent byc:eztilied mail, retam receipt requested.
o JlC!I 15ergvmor Q160BW: Insmance ii to 1>e placed with duly licemed ar approved
nmHdmltted Immen in the state of Atizona with an •AM. Best" :rating of not leas lhaa A-
VIL 'l'lleaateof.Adama.ln na waywuranta that the above-JeqU.ired minimum Jmtmermllllg
is t111f&eient to protect the Ccmtrw::tor from. potential lmarer insolvency.
E ypmqmQN OF COymll\Gf:; Contractor shall fmnish the Stale of .Arizcma with
ce.adili::ates ar insmance (ACORD fmm or equivalent approved by the State of Adama) as
iequlmd by dda Contract. Tiie cerlificates for each insurance policy are lo be Biglled by a
pemcm antly «izad by that iJurmer to bind coverage on its behaJf.
All cerd&catea and endal8ementa are to be ieceived and approved by the State of Arbsona
betmD work commenc:eu. Each imnmmce policyieqailed by this Contmct must be in effect
at or pdor to commencement of work under this Contract and remain in affect for the
dmalinn of Iha project. Pailme to maintain the insurance polidea as zeqairw:l by this
C«mtmct, or to pmvide evidence of renewal, is a material breach of contract.
t!Y:f~ ~t Contract shall be· sent directly to .Adzona ])epmlDumt af
Office located at 100 •Ave., Suite 301. Phoenix, AZ 85007. The State of .Adzona pmjectlcontract
R.181 number and project
• dN+:t iptfon ahaJ1 be noted on the certificate of insunnce. The State of Alizcma reserves die
Dghttomquh:eeomplete, certified copies of all insurance polidesrequitedbythfs Co111mct
lUSPO ValuePomt
Bocly Jlnnor Proclllcts
Administered by the Slate of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State'')
Point Blank EnteJpdses, Inc:.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractar")
State of .ldzona
(hereinafter "Puticipating State/Entity")
F SUBCQN'l'RAC'IQRS: Contraclms' certificale(s) lhal1 inc111de all B"hconttartnn as insureds
under its policies or Ccntractor sball fnmilh to the State of Arfa:ma separate c:ertitk:ateu
and endorBemeN9 far each subcontractor. All coverages for subccmtzactamabaJlbe subject
ta the minimum requirements identUiecl above.
G APPROVAL: Any modification or variadan from the insararlc:e Iaquirements i:n this Contract
abaJl be made by the Department of .Administration, Risk Management Diviskm, ·whose
clecisfan shall he &nal. Such action will 110t mqaire a fanaal Conbact ameadment, but may
be made by admillistrative action
H : Jn the event the CcmUactor or aaJ>.contractora) ii/are a public entity, then
the 'fnsnrance Raquiremenls shall not apply. Such public entity shall pmVide a Ce:rtilicate
af SeU-insmance. If ll1e contractor or sub-conlractor(s) is/are a State of Azizalla. agency,
boazd, c:ommimcm. or~. none of the above lhaD apply.
1. • J)eflnfffo1a ofTemus
As used In this Salicitatlcm and any resultmg Conlract, the tmms listed below me
defined as follows:
1.1 "Attachmenr means any item the Solicitation requires the Olferor to submit as pan of the
12 "Conl:ract• means the combination of the Solickation, Including the Umtcmn and
Spec:lal Jmtmcdons lo Offmora. the Unifmm and Special Tamas and Ccmditians,
and the Speeificat1cms Bild Statement or Scope of Work; the OJfer and any Best and
Final Offers; and any Soticitatian Amendments or Conlract Amendmenca.
1 3 "Contract .Amendment" means a mitten document signed by the P?oc::mement
Oflk:er that is issued for the purpose of malrfng changes in the Cantract.
14 •eontractor" means any peraon who has a CODlmCt with tbe State.
1 5 "Daya" means calendar days unless otherwise specified.
1 a "Exhibit" meBJIS any item labeled as an Exhibit in the Solicitation or placed i:n the Exhibits
section of the Solicitat1on.
11 "GiataJty" means a paymena, loan. suhscripticm, advance, deposit of money,
senices. or. anythil1q of more than nominal valae. present or promised, unless
consideration of SDhsfantialJy aqaa1 or greater value is received.
1 e "Materials" means allprapeity, im:ladlng equipment, supplies, printing, insmance
and leases of propeity bat does not include land, a pemaa:nent interest in land or
real property or Jeasjng space.
--------·-·-· .. ·-....... . .. -----
. . '
NJlSPO ValuePoint
Body Jbmor Pndacts
Administered by the State of Oolond.o (hereinafter "Lead State")
Point Blank Entupdses1 Iaa.
Muter Agreement No: 2018·181
(hereinafter .,Contractor")
State of Amoaa
(hereinafter "Participating StatelEntity")
19 "Procmamam Olficer" means the persan. or bis or ber designee, duly authoiized
by the State to enter into and adminiater ContmclB and.make w.dtfen
110 DetemUllatimus with nmpect to the Contract.
111 -&enic:esd means the fllmishi:ng of labor, time or efi'ort by a contractar or
aahcontractot which ciaos not invol'le tbe delivery af a spec:Ulc end pmduct other
than reqailed reporlB iU\cl pedmmance, bat does not include employment
agreements or collective l>argaming agmementa.
112. "Sabccmtract• means any C011tract, express or fmpUed. between the Contnctar
and another party or between a subcontractor and another puty de1egadng or
assigning, in whole or in part. the makmg or famiabing of any material or any
service ieqamed ror the performance of the Contract.
113 "Stale" mual\8 the State of AmDml and Department or Agency of the State that exacates the
1 t• "Seale F°IBCal Year' means the peDacl begizmfng with July 1 and endillg June 30.
2. Cmatract tntmpnlallcm.
21. A:dzona.Law. TlaeAzizona law ai;.plies to this Contract including, where applicable.
the Unifmm Commercial Code as adopted by the State of .Am:o11a and the Atizona
Procurement Code. ArJzona Revtsed Statutes (A.llS.) Title 41, ChapMr a3. and its
lmplementfng roles, Arizona Administrative Code (A.AC.) Title a, Chapter 7.
2 2 Jmpacid Coa&ract Terms. Each provision of law and any terms required by law te»
be in this Contract are a part of this Contract u if fally stated. in iL
2 3 Contmct Order of P:recedence. In the event of a aonflict in lhe provisions of the ·
Contract. as accepted by the State and as they may be amended. the lollowiDg
shall prevail in the mder set foxth. below:
2 31 Special 'l'eans and Conditicms;
2 3.2 Uniform Terms and Conditions;
2 3 3 Statement or Scope of Werk;
2 3 4 Specilicationa;
2 3 8 Exhibits;
2 3 7 Documents refezenced or included in the Solicitation.
2.4 Relaticmabip of Pmdes. The COJ\lmetOr under this Contract is an independent
Contractor. Neither party to llUa Contract shall be deemed to be lhe employee or
XISPO VamePoint
Bo&ly •rmor Pio&l1lct&
Administered by the State of Colcmulo (hereinafter "Lead State")
Point Blank Entezprisea, Inc:.
Master Agreement No: 2018-181
(hereinafter .. Contractor")
State of Jldzona
(hareJnafter "Participating State/Entity")
agent of tbe other party to the Contract.
2 5 Sevmability. The proviaions of this Contract am saverable. .Any tenn or c:ondldon
cleemecl illegal or invalid shall not affect any other term or ccmdllion of die
z s No Parole Evidence. '1'his Contract is intended by tbe parties as a liPa1 a:nd
complete apteaaima of their agreement. No coume of prior dealings between tbs
parties llld no asage· of the trade shall supplement or spJain any tenns used ln
this doc:ament and 110 other 1llUlentandht.g either oral or in vniting shall be
27 No Waiver. Either paity'a failure to insist an sb:ict perrmmance of any term or
ccmdlticm of the Contract shall not be deemed a waiver of that term or C011dition
evm if the party accepdag or acqaieadng in the nonconforming performance
bow& of the Mime of the pert'Onaimce and fails to object to it.
3. COJllzact JldmlnistralioD and Operatima
31 Rec;prds. Under AR.s. § 36-214 and§ 38-118, the Contractor shall mtam and shall
c:oatnctnany teq1Jire eac::h mbcanlzactor ta ietaia ell data and other ~"
teJadng to the acquisllfon and pedonnaDceof lbe Ccmtract for a peliod of five years
der the comple1im\ of the Contract. All iemrds shall be sUbject to iDspection and
aadit by the State at ieasonable times. tJpoa mqqest, the Contractor shall ptOduce
a legible copy of any or all such reco?ds.
3 2 lfsm-Dlscrimjnatipn. The Contractor shall comply with Slate Exec'1dw Order No.
2009-09 and aD other applicable Federal and state laws, mles and reguiatkma.
inch:&ding the Americmls with Disabilities AcL
33 A1M;W. Pu:rsuanl to ARS § 35-214, at my tiJne dming the tenn of this Contract and
live (8) years thereafter, the Contractol's or any subccmtractor's books and.records
shall he subject to audit by the State amt. whew appllcable, the Federal
Govemment. lo the extent that tile :boob amt recoida relate to the perfmmam:e of
the Contract ot Subcontract.
3 4 Fadllties Inspection and MateriaJs Testing. The Contractor agrees ta permit acc:ess
to its faclllties, whcontractor fac:Dities and the Contmctm'a processes or services,
at :reasonable times for inspection of tha racowes or mateiials coveied under tbls
Ccmlmct. The State aball also lune the right ta teat, at lts awn cost, the matm:ials to
he supplied under Ibis C~Hdract. Neither inspectlon of the Contractors facll1tles nor
matenals testing shall constitute final acceptance of the materials or services. If the
State detemdnea non-compliance of the mate1ia1s, Iha Contractor shall. be
respoasible for the payment of all coats illc:mxed by the State for teadng and
1USPO ValaePotnt
Jlocly lnaor Prod:m:ls
.ArJnrinistered by the State of (hereinafter "Lead State")
Polllt Blallk Entmprtses, Jae.
Master .AgreementNo: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Conlractor")
State of .llizGDa
(hereiMfter "Participating StatelEntily'')
3 5 &tfree. Notices to the Conlraclor requilad by this Contrac:t shall be made by tbe
State to the penaa iDd1caled on the Offer and .kceptanc:e Conn submitted by the
Colllraeutr 1lll1ess otherwise stated in lhe Comrac:t. Notk:ea tD the Slate ieqalied by
lbe COldalct llha11 ~e made by the Ccmtrac:lor to the Solidladon Contact Person
indicated on 1he Solicitation cover sheet. unless othenri8e stated in the Contract.
An anfOOc ized Pmc:mammd OBicer and an autbmized Cmmacto1' mpresentalive
may change their reepeclive person to whom notice shall be given by written
notice to lbe other and an amendment to the Cantract shall not be nec:eaary.
36 As'ymtWpfL Mu.bjng and Pnmu!tion pf Ccntrac;t. The Contractor lhaD not use,
adwrtise or promata ialmmalion for commmcial benefit COJIC!Arning this Ccmlnct
witbo1lt the prior W?itten appzuval of du:t Procmmaent Oflic:ar.
3 7. · Pxmw"t pf the Btate. .Any mateiials, induding reports, computer pzugmms and
other deliftrables, created mu:ler Ilda Contract are the sole property of lhe State.
'l'be Contractor is not enlit1ecl to a patent or c:opydgbt on tboaa matedaJa and may
not lrllmfer the patent or copyiight to anyone else. The Contractor lball not use or
release d\ele materials without the pJior written consent of the State.
38 Qwm:mhip gf Jnlellec;tpp1 Pmpm.:ty. Any and all inteJJectnal property, including but
not Bmiled ta copyDght. iimmtiOn, trademuk. tlada name, saznce mmk. and/or
trade secrets c:reated or conceived pmsaant to or as a reau1t of this contract and
any telated avbcontzar:t ("lnlellactwll P%opelty'"), llhall he work made far hire ad
the State shall. be conaidmed the creator of such Intellectaal Property. The agmu:y,
depmtmelll, cliWdon, bo8ld or c:ommisaion of the State of Arizmaa IeqUelliJlg the
issuance of this contract shall own (mt and on behalf of the State) the ·endte light.
title and interest to the Intellectual Property throughout the world. Contraclar shall
notify Ille State, within thirty (30) days, of the creation of any Intellectual Pmperty
by ii or its S11bcomractor(a). Contractor, on l>ehaJf of iaseif and any IR1bc:cmtlac:tms),
agieee to uecate any and all doc:uaumt(s) neceaeaiy ta assme ownemb1p of the
Intellectual Propeity vests in the State and ahal1 take no afftmmttva acUom that
might have the effect of vesting all or pmt of the IJdallectual Property in any endty
other than the State. The InteDectual Pmperty shall not be disclosed by contractor
Its sabcontractor(e) to any entity net the State without the express written
authorization of the agency, department, division, hoard or commiusion of the state
pf .Azizona mquesting the iaDanc:e of this contzact.
3 9 Fedora) Immigratjon pd Nalfqnality Act. The contractor shall aomply with all
faderal, state and local immigration laws and regulations re1adng to the
' . '
1USPO ValuePoint
Body lnnor Products
Administered by the State of Colomo (hereinafter "Lead State1
Pomt Blank Entelpdsee, IDc.
Master Agreement Ho: 2816-181
(hereinafter "Contractor•>
State of Arizona
(hmainaftar '"Participating Stata/Enlity")
fmmigxadon status of their emplayees dming the term of the amdract. Fmther, tbe
contmctor sballtlow down this reqaJrement to allaubcontractms gh1jzed dming Ille
tum of the CODlract. The State shall mtain the right to padcmn random audits of
~ mul sabc:ontlactormc:mdsorto impec:t papers of any employee lhemof
to ansme compliance. Should the Slate detamUna that Iba contractor and/or any
sabcontractGD be fG1md noncompliant. tha Stale maypmaua all mmedles allowed
by law, illclndiag, hut not llmiled lo; ll1lllp8Q8icm ofwark. fermin•tion of the comract .
for default ad suspension and/or de)Jimnent of the contractor.
310 E:Varllir Bagpimm@ntg.. In accardalU:e with .A.ll.S. § 41-4401, Contractor wamm1B
c:ompUance with all Fedaral inmdgradan Jaws 8114 regaJaUcms raJadng to
employees and wamntailac:ompliame wilhSec:ticm.A.B.S. § a3-114, SalmecdonA
311 Bppthdpd Busjnegseg. In accmdaace with A.ll.S. I 38-391 and A.lLS. § 36-393,
Contractor cmtl&ea that Ille Contractor d08I not have sc:rutinil8Cl 1m..maa
aperadcma ln Sudan or Ira.
312 QMnm Pmfapnance ofWorlcPmNbtted.
Any aenic:aB tbat ue de&cribed Jn the apeciflcatiou or scope of work tbat dlnctly
aarva Iha Stale of .ADzolla. or its clients and involve aa:ess to secare or aemdlive
data orpenonal c:Uent data &ball be performed within the defined taDitorias of lhe
United States. Unless specifically slated othenrise in the sped&c:adcms, this
paragraph doee not apply to illdirec:t oi' 'ovmhead1 services. rednndnt bade-up
senlce8 or aervicu that aru hu:fdental to the pal:fom11mt!f4 of Iha c:anlract. This
provision applies lo work perfmmed by sabcontractom at all tiers.·
4. · Com anc1 PaymeDts
41 Pa!Jllenta. Payments shall ·campty with the requirements of AR.S. Titles 36 and 41,
Net 30 days. Upon mceipt 8lld acceptaace of gooda or services, the Contractor
shall submit a complete <d accurate invoice for payment from the State within
thirty (30) days.
4 2 pelbery. Ul\1ess atated otherwise in the Contract. all prices shall ba F.O.B.
Destination and abaD include all height cle1ivary and unJoadiDg at the deslinadon.
4 3 1 Pmmwnt of 'fa:xel. 'l'he Contractor shall be responsible for paying all applicahle
4 3.2 Stale and Lps;al Tnmesdon Privilege Tam. The State of .Arizona is subject
to all applicable state and loc:al traJISaction privilege taxes. 'l'ransaction·
, . '
NUPO ValuePaint
Body .lmaor Pnduc:ts
Ad.ministered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State,,)
Polat Blank Emezpdses, lllc.
Master .Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafler "Contractor'')
State of~
(hereinafter "Participatii\g StatelBntity")
PD9ilege tues apply to the sale and me the reapomibility of the seller to
remiL Pailme to cailec:t such tmes fmm. the buyer does not l8lieve die seller
faaibl ~ torwn!l taw.
4 3 3 TM lw1empjRmtJgn. Cmdraclor and allsubcontracton shall pay all Federal.
state amllocal taes applicable to tis operation and anypenom employed
by the Contractor. Contractor lhal1. Bild reqaim all sllbconlractors to hold
die State harmless &mn any re&p0111ibility for taxes, damages and inteiest,
if applif"!llltJe, coldl'D>utiaDI reqlliced under Fedenl. and/or stale and local
laWB and zegul.aUgm and any other COSUI inclucUng transaction pii'rilege
lams, unemployment compensation ineurance, Social SecmUy Biid
Wodmr's Compensation.
4 3 4 IRS W9 Fonn. In ontet to receive payment the Contmctor sball haw a
cmreJ\t UlS. W9 Foaa on file with Iha State of Azizona. unless not teqaixecl
• 4 AnnnblJilY or Fyndl rw Ille Next State Rn' yaar. Funds may not pmsenl1y be
available farpei!anaance under this Contraat beyond the cm:rant state fiacal year.
No legal liability on the part of the Stale far any paymem may ame under tbfs
Comnct beyorlcl the stale fiscal year until funds are made avaDable for
perfonnance of thiB Contnct.
Anfl•hDity pf Pgnds ror the cpmmt §tam liacal J&V. Should the State Legislature enter
bade into aeakm and reduce the appzopdations. or for any mason and these goods or
aentcas aze not fanded, the State may take any of the foJJowing actions:
4 4 1 Accept a decrease in plice offered by the contractor;
4 4 2 Cancel the Contract; or
4 4 3 Cancel the contract the requimmeals.
S. CODtnct Cllaages
s 1 Agumdmqnts. This Contract is issued UDdex the authority of the Procurement Oflicer
who signed this Contzact. The Contract may be modified only through a Contract
Amendment within the scape of the Contract. Changes to the Contract. mw1dbtg
the addition of wOik or materials, the NVisfon of payment tenns. or the sabsdlution
of work -or materials, directed by a parson who is not specifically enthorfzed by lhe
proe:arament officer in writing or made unilateraDy by the Contractor are violations
of the COJdract and of applicahle law. Such changes. including unaathm:ized wntten
ContractAmendmellts ab.all be void and willlont effect. and the ContractDr abal1 not
be endtled to any cJainl under this Contract based on those chaJlges. •
s 2 aMsenlmct!. The Comractor shall nat enter inlo any Su.bc:ontract under this
I 'I
lUSPO Valv.ePalnt
Body Jlnnor Pmtlucts
Administered by the State of Cohmulo (harainafter '"Lead State")
Point Blank Emezprises, Inc.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter uconaractor")
State or Jlmoaa
(hereinafter "Participating State/Endty")
Cantract for tbe ped'ormance of thla ccm1ract wilbaut tha aclvam:e wziltaD appiova1
of Iha Pmcmement Ollicet. The CcmlrBCtor shall clearly Ust any proposed
subr>nalmctom and the subcontractm's proposed reaponaibilitie 'l'be Subcontrac:t
shall iDcmporate by refemnca the termll and ~diticms of tbis Conlract.
53 ApilD""'D" and Dalgqatjon. '1'he Coldlactor shall not assign any right nor delegate
11DJ duty 1111der tbis Contract without the prim WJitten approval of the Procuremenl
Officer. '!he State llhall not unreasonably wifhbold approvcil
6. Jtlllk and IdaJaWty
& 1 1Usk ofLasa: The Contractor shaJl:bear all loss of cmdomringmaterial covered under
llds Contract 'lllltl1 teceived by anthmizecl peraomtel at the Jacatian deslgnaled in
the purchase aider or Contract. Mme receipt does not constitute 8nal acceptallee.
The Jiat of loss for nonc:onfoming matedals aball with tha Ccmtraclm
regardleaa of teceipt.
6.2 Indempification
u.1 Contraqtar V""dm mdmymUjpatjou INot Pqblic; &Jmu:y> The parties to this
contract agree that the State of Arimnav its departmeaca, agencies, boards
and mmmis&Ums shailbe iJ1de'llll1ified and held hamlee8 by the c:ontmctor
for the vicufous liabWty of Ute State aa a IeSUlt of entedng inlo dUs contract.
Hawaver, the parties fmther agree that the Stale of Adlolul, lea depamnents.
agencies. boards and commtssfons shall be respontible Im its own
negllganc:e. Each party to this contract isiespomible foriteownnegligence.
a22 pPMic &Janey Language OnlJ Each party (as 'indemNtol") agrees to
indemnify, defend, and hold harmletm the otberparty (as 'illdemnitee') from
and against any and all claims, losses. llabllity, coats, or upenses(inclndfng
masonahle anomey'B fees) (heieinafter collectively J:efeaed to as 'claims')
arising om of bodily injury of any pemon {'mcludhlg death) or property
damage but only to Iha eztent that saah claims which result in
'l'icarious/derlvative liability ta the indenmltee, are caused by the act,
omission. negligence, .misconduct, or other fault of the h\demrlitor, its
oflicera, officia1s, agents, employees, or vohinteem.11
& 3 Indemnificatfmi -Patent and Cgpyxlqbt. 'l'llB Contractor ahall indemnify and hold
harmlella the State against any liability, includh1g costs and expenses, for
infringement of any patent. trademark or copyright arising out· of Conlrad
perfomumce or use by the Stale o( materials fmnished or wmk peiformed under
& 4 '1'his Contract. The State shall reasonably notify the Contractor o( any claim for
which it may be liable muter this pa:mgxaph. If the cantractor is blsured pamuant
I 'I
. N.ISPO ValuePoint
Body •nnor Products
Administered by the State of Colorado (hereblafter "Lead State'')
Point Blank Ellterpdlles, Iaa.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter 11Contractor'')
State of Mzoaa
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
to A.JlS. § 41-821 and§ 35-154, this sectlon &ball not apply.
& s force Malewe·
· 6.4.l Ezcept for payment of sams due, neither party shall he liable to the
other nor deemed in defalllt under this Contract if and to the extent that
such party's pedomumc:e of this Conaad ill prevented by reason of fmce
majeme. The lei:m "fmce majeare" means an occmrence that is beyond
the contlol of the partf' affected. and occum witbout ill fault or negtigelu:e.
Without limiting Iha foregoiug, ~ majeme includes acts of God; am
of the puhlic enemy; war; dots: atzilms; mobJHptfon; labor diapalea; civil
dismden; fire; llood; lockouts; injunclimut-intticm-acta; or failmes
or refwla1s to ad by govemmant autlunity; aml other eimilar
oc::c:mreiu::es beymu:l the conllOl of the paity declaring force majeme
which such party is unable to pzevent by exeidsing remronahle
a 4 2 Force Majeure shall not include the following occammces:
64 2 1 Late delivery of equipment or matarialll caused by~ at a
manufacturm's plant or alsewhele, or an oveno1d condition of the
e 4 2 2. Late perfomwu:a by a subcontractor unless the delay mises out of a
fmce majeure occummce in accmdmlee with tbls foice majeare
tean and cnnrtition; or
6 4 2 3. Inability of either 1he Contractor or any sahcontraclor to acquire or
maintain any raqUired insurance, bonds. licenses or permits.
6 4 3 If either party is delayed at any lime in the pzagresa of the wmk by f'mce
raajeure, the delayed party shall notifr the other party in writing of such
delay, as soon as is practlcahle and no later than the following working day,
of the c:ommencement thereof and uhaJl specify tha causes of such delay in
such notice. Such notice sballbe delivered or mailed c:ertifiecketumieceipt
and Bbail make a specific reference lo this article. tbembJ Invoking Its
provisions. The delayed party shB11 cause such delay to soon as
practicable and shull notify the other party in Wiiting when it has done so.
The time of completion shall be extended by Coatract Amendment for a
perlod of time equal to the time that results ar effects of such delay prevent
the delayed party from performJnq in m:cordance with this Contract.
&.4 4 Any delay or failure in perlm:manc:e by either party hereto shall not
ccmstibite default hereunder or give Iise to any claim Cor damages or loss of
I 'r I f
1USJIO ValuePoint
Body llrmor Prodac:ts
Administered by the State of Colondo (hereinafter ''Lead State")
Point Blank Entmpdses, Inc.
Master .Agreement No: 2018-181
(hereinafter ucontzactor')
State of Azizona
{hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
anticipated pmfita if. and to the eztent that sach delay or failure is caused
hy fmce majema.
6 8 Thitd Party Antitmst ytWeticma, 'l'bs ConlractOr assigns to the State any claim far
overcharges reimlting from antitrust violatio1111 to the extent that Omae violations
ctm• :em matezials or services supplied by tbiid. pmties to the Contractor, toward
fuUil1ment af this COl\tract.
1. Wa:amdies
71. Lim1I-'l'he Ccmtraclor wammts that the matmials supplied under this Contract are
free of lielUI and shall remain free of liens.
7 2 OpeJity. Unless othmwise madffled elsewbere in these terms and c:ondltions, the \..
Contractor wm:rants that. far one year after acceptance by the State of the
materials, they shall be:
7 2 1 Of a quality to pass widlout objedion in the lrade under the Canlract description;
7 2.2 Fil for the intended pmposes for which the matm:ials are used;·
12 3 Wltbin the vmiaticma permitted by the Conlract and me of even kind.
quantity, and. qoality within each unit and among all UPitB;
1 z.4 Adequately cmdained, pack:aged_llJld muked as the Contract may require; and
7 2 s ConCmm to the written promises or affirmatio11S of fact made by the Ccmlractar.
7 3 fitnAHu, The Contrador warrants that any matenal supplied to the Slate shall f\111y
confomi to all nquiremellts of the Contract and all representadons of the
Conlractor, and sbaJl be fit for all pmposes llDd uses z:equirad by the Contnct.
7 4 m~. The wammties set foz:th in S1lbparagraphs 7.1 thTough 7.3 of
this paragraph are not a.lrected by inspection or testing of or payment for the
matmill]s by the State.
7 5 Compliance with J\pplfqable J,aws. The matmials and services supplied under this
Conlract shall comply with all applicable Federal. state and local laws, a11d the
Contractor shall maintain all applicable license and pemllt requi?ements.
7 a SpryjyaJ of Bighltl aJ1d OpUgations after Contract ExpiratiQll or TemUnation.
161 Contractor'B Repreueutatigm and Wmanties, All representations Bild
wimanties made by the Contractor under this Contract shall survive the
expimtion or teanination hereoL In addition. the parties here to
aclmqwledrm that pprnpant to A.R.S. s 12=610. mq;ept u pmyld@d in A.JU.
6 lH2&. the State is not 8Ubiect 1p pr baned by m limitatigu pf actiong
preaeribecl fn AR.S .. Title 12. Chgpter B.
lUSPO VahutPomt
Administered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter 11Lea4 State")
Point Blank Eatezpdses, Ille:.
Master Agreement No: 2018-181
(hereJnafter "Contractor")
State af lldzona
(hereinafter 11Puticipiding State/Entity")
7 8 2 Pprehase Onfem 'n1e Comractor ahall. in aceordallee with all terms and
condtlkma of the Contract. fully pezfmm and shall be obligated to c:omp1y
with all pmcbase ordms xeceived by lhe Contmctor pDar lo the expiialiou
or tennlnadon hentaf. un1ea Olhenriae diracted in writing by the
Piac:mement Oflicer, iDchtdtng, without li:qdration, an pmchase orders
zec:eived pdor to but not fully pmfmmed and satisfied at the expiratiaa m
termination of this Contract.
8. State's ContradWll .Bemedieu
B 1 Right tp Assmapee. If the State in good failh has Je8BOll to believe that the
Conlzaclor cloee not intend to, or ii unable topmmm or continue performing under
this Coldract. the Pracuement Officer may demand in writing dull the Ccmlractor
gt-re a wdtten assurance of intent to pedona. Failme by the Ccmuactor to provide
Wiitten asamance within the number of Daya specilied in dle demand may, at the
State's option. be the buia for tenaiaating the Contract under the Uniform Tams
and Ccmdltlcma or other rights and zemedles available by law or piavided by the
a 2 Stop Wprk Order·
B 21 The State may, at any time, by WliUen order to the Ccmlractot, require the
Conlractor to stop all or any part. of the WOik Called for by this Contract for
pedod(s) of daya indicated by Iha State after the order is delivered to the
Cmdractor. The order shall be specifically fdentffied aa a stop work order
issued under this clause. Upon receipt of tbe order, the Contractor shall
bmnectia•ely complywithils tenns and tab an :reasonable steps tomiaimim
the incmrenc:e of costs allacahle to the work covemd by the order dmmg
the peDod of wortr: stoppage.
a 2 2 If a atop wmk order iseued under this clause Is earu:eled or the periDcl of the
mm or any eztenaion expims, the Contractor shall resume wodt. 'l'he
ProCmement Officer shall make an equltable adjustment in the delivery
sc:hedala or Contract pzice, or bolh. and. the Contract sbaJl be amended in
wxitmq accoi:dlnG1Y.
e 3 NM:ftVbwhre BemMiee. The rights and lhe remedies or the State under this Contract are
not uclusive.
84 Ngnsgnfgrming Teruier. .Materials or services sapplied under Ibis Contract shall
fully comply with the Contract. The deliwry of matetlals or services or a pottion of
the materials or services that do not fully comply canstihdes a breach of contract.
On delivery of nonconfm:ming materials or senic:es. lhe State may terminate the
Contract for default under applicable termmation claases in lhe Comract. exezdse
any of its zightu and :remedies under the tJnifmm Commercial Code, or pUDUe any
IUSPO ValuPofat
Body .lzmor Products
AdnrinJstered by the State of ColDraclo (hereinafter ''Lead State'')
Point Blank Entelpmas, Illa.
· Master Agreement No: 2011-111
(herejnafter 11Contractor")
State of Adzcma
(hmeinafter "Participating State/Entity")
othar zigbt or remedy available to it.
a 5 Right ql Olfset. The State shall be entilled to olset ageinat any sums due the
Coatraclor, any upeases ar casts incuued by the State, or damages assessed by
the State concemillg· the Contractm's ncm.-c:cmfoaning performance or failure to
pmfmm tbs Contract, lnrludiag expenses, COsla and damages described in the
Unifmm Teaas and Conditions.
9. Coatract Temd.Datlon
91 Qmsnllation fm Cnnftist gf Interest. PmBwml to A R.S. § 38-Sll, the Slate may
cancel this Contract within tine (3) yeam after Contract execulian without penalty
or fmther obligation if any peman sfgnfflrantly fnvo1ved in illitiallllg, negotfadng,
sec::ming, drafting or c:natmg the Contract an behalf of Iba SWe Is ar becomes at
any dme while the Coatract ar an flll'fension of tbe Contract is in effect an employee
of or a COJlllJltant to any other party to Ibis Contmot with rup;c:t to tile subject
matter of the Contract. The cancellatlon shall be elective when the Conaraator
xecetvea wxittan notice af the cancellation unless Iha notice specifies a laler time.
If the Contractor fa a polllical subdivisian of the State, it may a1ao cuu:el tbUI
Contract as ptoWled in .A.IS. § 38-61 l.
9.2 Qmhtjtj• The Stale may, by written notice, tMmlnate tld8 Cmdract, in whole or In
part. if the State determines that employment or a Cralaitywas oJferad ar made hy
the Conl:ractor or a representative of the Cmitractor to my officer ar employee of
Ille Stale for the pmpose of inflwmCing the ollle:Ome of the procuelQel\t orsecmmg
Iha Contract. an amendment to the Contract. or favcmible trealmel1t cmu:eming the
Comract, including the making of any detmmh1adon or dedsion about contract
pedmmam:e. The State, In. addition to any other rlgbls or tam8dies, shall be
entitled. to xecover exemplary damages in the amoum of tmee times the value of
the Gratuity olrewd by the Contractor.
93 8gspensfgn or Dehapgent. The State may, by written noUce to the Contractor,
immec:Uately tenninate this Contract if the State delemdnes that the Conb:actor has
been d.ebaued, aupended or otheiwfae lawfully prohibited from participating in
any public ptacurement ac::dvity, inc:ludlng but not limited to, being disappMvecl
as a suJ>contractor of any public procurement unit or other govemmmdal body.
Submittal af an offer or execution of a contracl sl1all attest tbat the contractor Is not
cmrent1y su.sponded or debalred. If the cmu:raetor
becomes suspended or debarred. the c:ontractor shall immediately notify the State.
9 4 Twlnipadoo Cm Cgmrenkmce. The State reserves the light to terminate the
Contract, in whale or in part at any time when in the best Interest of the State,
without pmialty ormcourae. Upon teeeipt or the written notice, the Contraclor shall
stop all work. as direcfed in the nolice, notify all subc:ontraclorB of tbe effective data
t 1 1• r r.
RISPO ValaePoillt
Bod.y .lmlor Products
Administered by the State.of Colondo (hereinafter "Lead State;
Point Blank Entmpdses1 Ille.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(heieinafter 11 Contractar11
State of Amona
(herejnafter "Participating State/Entity")
of the temrinalion and min•mble an farther casts to lhe Slale. In the event of
term.fnadon under this paragraph, all documenm. data and zeporta pzepazecl by
the Contractor under the Contw:t shall become the property of and be delivered
to the State upon demand. 'l'he CoJdractor shall be entitled to teeeiYa jut and
equitable compensatiall rm work Jn piogre111, wodc completed and nwerials
accepted befDia the alrective date of the temrination. The cost principles and
pi~ provided inAAC. Ra-7-701 sbaD apply.
9 5 lfrmn!ret!pq fm Defaglt;
9s1 Jn addition to the rights resened in the cmdract, the Stale may terminate the
Co1dnct in whole or in put daa ID the of the Contraator to comply
with any term or c:ondltlon of the Conlract. to acquire and mainlain all
required hlsuraace palicies, bcmds. licenses and pemits, or to make
satisfactory progress in pedo• ming the Contiact. The Pmcmement Oflicer
sbaD provide mitten notice of the termination and the masona Im lt to the
9 5 2 Upon termination under dds paragraph. all gooda, matedals, documenls,
data and reports prepared by the Ccmtmctar under tba Cmdract shall
become the property af and be delivmed to tJae Staie on demand.
9 5 3. The Sia.le may, upon tennillalion of this Ccmtracl. pmcure, on tenas um1 in
the manner lhat it deems appropdale. matm:ials or senices to replace those
under tl1iB Ccmlract. The Ccmll1u:Cm shall be liable to the~ for any excess
COlltll incmred by the State Jn proc:ming maledals or services in suhstflUtion
for those due from the Contractor.
9.6. cis=~ ~TermpmtiQJL The Conttactor llhallcandnue to __ acco ~tll of the Contract, up to the date
of on. as diiected in the leDDilWlan notice.
10. Coatract CJahaa
All c:antract c:Jaims or controvemies under this Contract shall be resolved to
A.RS. Title 41, Chapter 23, Article 9, and rules adopted thereunder.
11. .lzbltntlma
The pa:tles to this Contract agree to xesolve all disputes arising oat of or relating to this
ccmtnct through arbitmtion, after exbaasting applicable administrative review, ta the
extent IeqUired by A.R.S. § 13-1518, except as may be reqoired by other applicable
statutes ('fttle 41).
RISPO ValuePoint
Bo4y Armor Products
.Administmed by the State of Colondo (hereinafter "Lead State 1
Point Bhmk Eld~ Jae.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor'')
State of AdzoDa
(hereinafter "Participating state/Entity")
The Staie Pmcarement 01lice peDodiaally nMaws the Unifarm Terms and Condidonu 8114
welcomeu any CODUll8ldl you may have. Please submit your commenlS to: · State
Procmement .AdmiDistrator, Slate Prac:urement Office, 100 North 18th Avenue. Suite aGl,
PhD8lllz. Adzmla. 86007.
('_ ,,-.
~partment of Stale I ~ I Search Records I ~y...6ntily~ I
Detail by Entity Name
Florida Limited Liability Company
Bllng Information
Document Number L17000068857
FEl/EIN Number 59-3281291
Date Flied 03/28/2017
Effective Date 10/10/1994
State FL
Event Date Flied 04/04/2017
Event Effective Date NONE
fcilWpal Address
Changed: 09/19/2017
.Millllng Address
Changed: 09/19/2017
&mistered Agent Name & Address
Name Changed: 01/30/2018
Address Changed: 01/30/2018
Authorized Person(l!)...QgmJ.1
Name & Address
Annual Re~
Report Year
oocument lmagu_
Filed Date
01108/2020 -ANNUAL REpPRT
0411012019 -ANNUAL REPORT
01/30(2018 -ANNUAL REPORT
04/04/2017 -LC Amendment
03128/2017 -Florida Limited LlabllllY.
\liew image in PDF fonnat j
View Image in PDF format I
View Image in PDF fonnat j
View image in PDF fonnat J
View image in PDF format j
. . .. ~ . ·• . . . .., "• ' . , ,.
search.sunbiz.ora/lnauirv/CoroorationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=EntltyName&direclionType=lnilial&searchNameOrder=SRTSUPPLY L 1... 212
105.1000.521640 0 %
Total for (3) Capital Expenses
Total expenses 1000 (Fund 105)
LETF -State Fund
Fund Totals
Revenue/Expenses Balance:
105 LETF -State Fund
Trial Balance -
0.00 342,525.00 40,410.00 10/27/2020
342,525.00 40,410.00
342,525.00 40,410.00
$0.00 $342,525.00 $40,410.00 . ' + ~ 3_5-S fl!lv\d bcJ~
'f 6, i1 lR. 'S
Expenses Printed: 10/27/2020 Page: 2
WHEREAS, it is the practice of the Hialeah Police Department to respond quickly and
effectively to any life-threatening situation in the most professional manner possible; and
WHEREAS, the Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT) of the Hialeah Police Department needs
equipment tools that are critical for the protection of life when responding to incidents such as
armed/ barricaded individuals and hostage-holding individuals; and
WHEREAS, the present equipment needs to be replaced in light of it exceeding its shelf
life; and
WHEREAS, the expired vests and rifle plates may not protect our sworn officers with the
same reliability and consistency in life threatening situations; and
WHEREAS, SRT Supply is an active corporation in good standing in the state of Florida;
WHEREAS, the Hialeah Police Department is requesting an exemption from competitive
bidding; and
WHEREAS, funding for this project will be from account 105.1000.521.640 Law
Enforcement Trust Fund-State; and
WHEREAS, Section 932.7055, Fla. Stat. (2018), the Florida Contraband and Forfeiture
Act, authorizes the expenditure of Law Enforcement Trust Funds-State for this purpose and the
funds are available in the Law Enforcement Trust Fund-State account for the Police Department;
WHEREAS, the Chief of Police of the Hialeah Police Department has recommended
adoption of this resolution and determined that the proposed expenditure complies with the Florida
Contraband Forfeiture Act, and all applicable rules, regulations and guidelines governing the
expenditure of Law Enforcement Trust Fund-State; and
WHEREAS, the City finds the expenditure is in the public interest;
Section 1: The foregoing facts and recitations contained in the preamble to this
resolution are hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein.
Section 2: The City of Hialeah, Florida hereby approves the expenditure of an amount
not exceeding $45,765.00 forthe purchase of twenty (20) Armis tactical vests and forty (40) torso
shooter cut rifle plates itemized in "Exhibit l" (attached hereto) from SRT Supply from the Law
Enforcement Trust Fund-State and providing an exemption from competitive bidding, upon such
costs having been approved by the Chief of Police of the Hialeah Police Department having
specifications and pursuant to the terms and conditions as set forth in "Exhibit l ."
Section 3:
signed by the Mayor.
This resolution shall become effective when passed by the City Council and
PASSED AND ADOPTED this __ day of ________ , 2020.
Paul B. Hernandez
Council President
Attest: Approved on this ______ day of _____________ , 2020.
Marbelys F Mayor Carlos Hernandez
PO BOX 22373
TAMPA, FL 33622
P.O. BOX J 10040
****** QUOTA'.TION *****
AGREEMEN'r 20 l 6-181
1905.00 38, 100.00
ARMIS<:~ Set,M/f'1 crrIA···2, 101.06, ·r.r.A
Gender: MALE
Color: BLACK
40 ~A NASPt:r220TCSK 190.00
2518 TORSO l0X1;! I.EVE~! .. lli/TVICW '.i:tlA, Sil< OTER ::VT· RffJ,J;;
PlArr:, M/l'', r nnv, io1. 06
Tax ·II: 230532502454C
Quote Total
All Rel urns Arc. ubjc ·1 to a I 5% Restocking Charge
.. EXHIBIT'' \
IL.,.: .. 1.,1tt~J*,(". i'
NllSPO ValnePobat
Body Jlrmor Prod•ata
Administered by the State of Colondo (hereinafter "Lead State'')
l'DiJd B1aDJc Ealttlplisa, Jae:.
Master .Agreement No: 201S.181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State of .lrfzaaa
(heraillafter 14Partic:ipating State/Entity11)
4. prtmrw Con1a5t1: The primary contact mdlviduals for this Patticipating Addendum. ue as
lollawa (or their named succeaon):
c cmtractor. Point Blank En -Inc.
Name Camila Oliveira. Salu Be Marketina I
Addna 2109 SW 8l'ld Street,:" Beach. FL 33069 -~ T< • -(984} 830-0000 Ezt. 1824 -Fax
E-mail cali.
Partic:ipaling Entity: State of Arizona. Depamnent of AdmitUstrative Smvices, Slate
Procurement Olfice
Name Michael-Rvan Fleming
.Addrea 100 North lStb Avmme, Suite 201. Phoenix. AZ 86007 .. Ti • . -602.542.2090 --·----..
E..znail j Michael.Fl--azc1oa.aov
5. Sghsqn"M'm: All Point BlaDlc Enterprises, Dimibutom authorized in the State of Adzona. as
shown on the dedicated Paint Blm1k Bnlezpriaes. lllc. NASPO ValuePoint website. are approved
to provide llB1es and service support to pmtfcipanta in theNASPO ValuePaint Master AgreemenL
The Contractor's Distrihutor's participation will be in ac:cmdal\ce wllh the teims and c:ondltlcms
set forth in the a!oremenlianed Master Agreement.
&. Onion; Any Order placed by a Patticipiding Entity or Pmabasing Entity for a Product and/or
Servic:e available from this Master Agreement shall be deemed to be a sale under
(ud govemed by the prices and alher terms and conditions) of the Master Agreement unless
the patties to the Order agree in wtiting that another contract or agreement applies to suc:h
H.ISPO ValuePcdnt
Body .lrmor Piaductss
Administered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Leac:l State")
Pobd BlaDkEntupriHs, Inc.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereiDafter "Contractor'')
State of Ariao11a
(here.inafter "Participating State/Entity")
IN Wl'Im:SS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum as ct Che date of ueautfon by
bolh pmties below.
coi\.-radoi:-Point Blank EnWpriaes, 1uc.
----·-·------+,,---------------! By:
; Name: Michael-Ryan Fleming
.Name: .rvA~ 1.IA&UJG
: Date: ~/.zoh l. ...... -···-·-----'
[Addldonal signatmes as required by Panicipating State)
For questions on executis\9 a participating addendum, please contact:
NASPO ValucPoint
Coooemtive Development Coordinator ! Tim Hay
Telephone ~ 503-428-5705
E-mail I
[Pl•-• email fully e1CGC11tedPDr copy of dais clocameat to
J'.ll@aagovalaeaoJnt.oarg to 1n1ppod dooamentatioa of plll'tlc:lpatloa
and posUng la ap., clataltases]
HISPO ValuePoiat
Bocty lrmor Products
Administered by the State of Colorado {hereinafter 11Lead State")
PoiDt Blallk Entmprises, Iac.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
{hereinafter "Contractor")
state or Jl:dzoDa
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
1. Ima: 'l'bis addendmn coven the Body Jlna.or Produts led by the Stale of Colorado l'or use by state
agendu and other entitles located in the Participating Stale/Entity authorized by that state's statutes to
atillze state/entity c:ontracts with the prior app1oval of the State's Chief Procmement Oflicial.
2. Putldptfp: Use of speeific N.ASPO ValuePolnt cooperative conttacta by agencies. palidca1
S1lbdivillimul and other endtfas (hlclud.btg cooperatives) alllhm:tzacl by an individual state's atatutea to use
1tate/eJdity contracts am subject to the prior approval af the respective State Chief Procmemenl Of&ciaL
Issues af intmpretation 8lld eligibD!ty for pa:tlcipatfon ue sa1e1y within the authority of the State Chief
Plocmement Ofllcial.
3. PadlalJ!thtg !lh!Wl!tib' Mmlfffe•tiou M lddfffpn1 ta Masts Jl&Rnmant:
C1'bese macllficadmUI ar additions apply 011ly to actions and relationshipa within the
Participating Entity.)
Participating State/ENity to check one box.
[_] No changes to the tenns and conditions of lhe Master Agreement are required
[XJ The fOl1owiJlg changes are modifying or supplementing the Muter Agreement terms and
con ell dons.
PracmeAZ tmms. ProcareAZ (https:/ / la the State's online ePrcc:urement
system. Although the system was configured for the State's needs, the appllcation is based
on a commarcial product known as BuySpeecl Online, made by Perisc:ope Holdings. Inc.
As a result. some af the terms used in the BuySpeed Online application may be
semantically different to similar teuas used by the State. The following terms are as they
appear in BuySpeed Online (and PiocureAZ), along with their correspond!ng meanillga
u Ibey apply to the solicitation.
"Actual Cost" means the tolal value of all items and their eztended quandtles.
•Alternate ld I Altemate ID" ls an oplional field and means any additional dala in order
to link a solicitation or project IO a related project, activity o:r program.
lUSPO ValuePoiat
Body .lrmor Products
Administered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter •'Lead State")
Point Blank Entelprise•, Inc:.
Master Agreement No: 2018·181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State of .lrizona
(hereinafter .. Participating State/Entity"')
electronic dacwaentu may be attached. Attachments as defined in the Uniform
lmllluctians may include Solicitatlon.Anaclunents, and/or as defined in the Unifonn Tenns
and Conditions may include Contract Attachments.
"Buyer" mew procmement omcer.
"Catalog JD" is an optianal data field and means an ides\Wication number to
signify a gmup of nlated contracts.
UCtmtact lnstructiona• means the contact infmmation for lhe procurement officer.
"Control Code" is an optional field and means an identification clw'aClerfslic of the c:ontract.
"Daya All011 means the number of days 'After Rac:aipt of Order' in which the caslomer
wiU iecelve the ordered matenals and/or serricea.
"Department" means the customer for whom the solicitation. or
ccml?act WU canducted for,
"Discamlt %" is an optional field and means the standard discount
appUed to all items.
"Enterecl Data" means the date that the contract was awarded. not necessarily the date
the contrac:t starts, e.g., Master Blaaket/Comract Begin Date.
"Fiscal Year-meas lhe State Fiscal Year in which the eolicitatfon was initiated. In the
ew:nt of c:cmtract(s) resulting from the solic:itation, the Fiscal Year &ball renudu
"Preight Terms" means how freight will be charged under the contract.
"Mil\or Status" is an optional data field and means a type of status
indicator of the contmcl in Procure.AZ.
N'.ISPO ValuePoint
Body .A:rmor Products
Admimstered by the State of Colozado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Point Blank Enterprises, Inc:.
Master Agreement No: 2018-181
(hereinafter "Contractor'')
Slate or Jlzizona
(hereinufter "Participating State/Entity")
"Organization• means the state agency under whose aUlhodty the
solicitation Ol' contract was conducted.
"Payment Terms• means the period af time that payment is due after
zeceipt af an accurate invoice.
llJ'c:ard Enabled• is an optional data field and means that customem are allowed to use
lheirpurdsasing cud (P-Card) ta order from the contract within the ProcureAZ system.
"PO Ack:nowledgamena means the list the natillcations ta the Cantractar and their
acknowledgements of these notices.
"PO Type" means the period of lime that the contract is in place. either a one-time
mmsaction, Open Market, or for a stated period of lime, Blanket.
"Plint Detail" is en optiol'lal data field and means a print format applicable to
ordem under lhe contract.
"Print Format" means the format of the solicitatiozt or COl\lract p?inl output.
"Project No." is an optkmal field. and means an identification
characleristlc of the contract.
"Pmchase Order" meBDS contract.
"Pmchase Older Humber" mea:ns the contract's
identificmtion number.
"Pun:huer" means procurement officer.
"Receipt Method" means the method by which materials and/or senices under the
contract are teceived, either by amount spent. Dollar, or by item units, Quantity.
N&SPO ValuePolnt
Body Jlnn.Ol' l'raduds
AdmiNstered hy the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Point BlaDk Entezpdles, Inc.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor'')
State of Arizona
(hereinafter ''Participating State/Entity'')
"Raktne Number" means the order number of each order Ul1der the c:ontract. The
Master BlanketlContract will always reflect a zero "0" release number.
"Release Type" means the process that orders under lhe contract are subject to WUhin
Plac:m'eAZ. requiring approval on an order-by-order basis, e.g., Standard Releases or
not requiring approval, e.g., Direct Release.
"Retainage %"is an optional field and means the amo1111t of tbe
contract's wlue that is relained.
"Sbippfng Method" means the method of shipping to be used
"Sbipphlg Tems" means the point where the Contractor. will ship the matmialtl amJ/or
servfces to, cmd if accepted, the point when responsil>ility and title passes &om the
Contractor to the State.
"Shad Descdption" means the contract' title.
"Slatus" meus the availability of the contract within ProcureAZ for ordming, e.g., Sent statas.
"l'az Code", if applicable, :means the amount of taxes, expressed as a percentage. to
be added lo all items purchased muter the contract. As items may be subject to
d«trmtag tax rates, tbia field may be blank.
"Type Codaa means the category of customers that may use any resulting contract(s).
E.g., Single-Agency, Multi-Agency or Statewide.
"Vendor" means Contractor.
In the event of a conflict in the provisiOM of the Contract, as accepted. by the State Bl1d
as lhay may be anumded. the following shall prevail in the order set forth below.
21 .Amana Special Tenns and Conditions:
22. Amona UJ1ilonn Terms and Conditions;
NUPO ValuePoint
Bady Annar Pnducts
AdmiJdatered by the State of Colonclo (hereinafter "Lead State")
Point Blank Elltupdse11 Inc.
Master Ag7;eement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State af .l:risoaa
(hereinafter 11Pa:rticipating State/Entity")
23. Alimna Parllcipating .Addendum:
24. NASPO MasterPriceAgreement
The tmm of the c:antmct shall commence apon July 31, 2016 and shall remain Jn etract ror
a pmiacl of one liacal year au1y 31. 2017), unless terminated, canceled 0% utemktd as
othmwile provided hmein. The Contrador agrees that the State of .Arizona shall have tbe
Dgbt, aa ftll ISOle apdcm. tD unilaterally extend the conlract ror four (4) additional one year
pmiads or a partian thereof. The muiJmmL statutory limit of use for this Partk:fpatlDg
Addenifmn is 3/14/8021. In the event that the State enicisel such zight. all team.
.ccmctiUons and provisions of the original contract and its amendments shall remain
lDlChalgecl. At the time of tbJs Paltlcipating Adclel\dum, Iha State of Colmaclo has a
'Dmalfml of Agreement' Im 03/3112016 • 03/18/B018 (h\itial period) and three (3)
mnewahle yem; ending 3114/8021.
Tbis cmmact sbaJ1 be for the use of all State of ADzona departmenUJ. agendes.
cc•mndsaions am! homds. In addition, eligible m\lversilies, polidcal suhdivfsiaDs aml
noapivfit educaticmal or public health institutions may participate at their discretioD. In
Older to pazticipala Jn this c:ol\tract, a university, polltical subdiviaion, or nonpraBt
ec1uc:aticma1 orpablic health institution shill have entered into a Cooperalhe Purchaslllg
Agreement with the DepaJ1ment of Administration, State Procurement omce as aequl:&ed
by Adzana Revised Statutes § 41·2832.
6.1 Comractor ahaI1 pay an AclmiJ\iatmtive Fee lo lhe State in the amount of oae
pezcent (1 %) of the total contract sales. The Admkdatrative Fee is calculated based
DD all aaJas transacted under Iha contract, minus all taxes and any xebm1s or
c:zedlt8. The .AdmizdstraUve Fee shall not be charged directly 10 the customer, e.g.,
as a separate line item., a fee or a smcharge, but shall be included in the contract's
5.2 The Administrative Fee shall be &Uhmittecl, along with a Quuterly Uaaga
1leport dacmnentlng all contract sales, to the State Plocuiement Office within lldrty
(30) days following the end of each calendar qwuter. For mme inf'omatlon on the
IfASPO ValuePoiDt
Bocly .lnaor Products
.Administered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter ''Lead State")
Pobd Blallk EDleJpdse&, Inc.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State of Arizona
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
OwutaJly U11g9 Report or the AdminiatraUve Fee, its calc:alaticm. submission or use,
see the State Procunment Olfice's web site at
Rasamaaiil.Admin Fee.
5.3 Al its option. the State may limit the applicability of the Adndnfslradve Fee co
camraot aaJea flvm some customers and not to othen, e.g., foe is only applicable to
Alea fram membem of the State PurcJlasing Cooperadva mulnot Biles to State
Jlpnciea. See the State's website (above) fmm more lnformatlon In dais ragmL The
State wm provide thirty (30) days wlitten notice before ezerclsing or changing this
5.4 Failure la zamlt .Administmtive fees in a Umely manner or remit fees incondstenl
with tbe cmdract's requirements may result in the State ezexdsing any recomse
available under the cantract mcJucting a l1Urd pmty audit of all C011lrBCt activity. ShngJd
an andit be mquJred by the Stale, the contractor shall Jeimburse the State for all co8'B
allOCdated with the audit up to
=·or cme (1%) pmcant or the contract1 eslimaled ammal value, wlddlever is
5.5 The Admhrimative FUii shall be submitted. along with a Quartmly Usage Bepoit
to Gae State Pmcarament omce within thirty (30) days following the end of each
c:ahJncfar quarter. Admfaistrative Fees shall be submitted la the following address:
.ArimJla Department of
Admiaistradon State
Pzocmument omce
AttmdfoD: 'Statewide Contract
.Admtl\l8trative Fae' 100 N. 16th
Awime, Suite ao1
Phoenix. AZ 88007
5.6 The submiBafon achedule ror Administrative Fees and
U8age repcma llhal1 be as follows: July through
September (FY' 01) • Due October 31
Octobar tbmagh December {FY 02) -Due January 31
Jmmmy through Much (FY' 03)
-Dae hy .April 30 April through
June (FY 04) -Due by July 31
RllSPO ValaePofnt
Body Jlrmor Products
Administered by the State or Colorado (hereinafter "liead State")
Point Blank Eateipriles, Inc.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter 11Contractor11)
State of .lrizona
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
For the pmposet of fbia contract. contract release order/purchase ordem are those
that me iaued by an uUgibht agency any of the fal1owiJl(J forms:
1.1 Hazd c:opy, one time only or blal1ket (teml type) type;
e.z Electzmdcally transmitted through racstmile equipment;
1.3 ElectraDicaDy transmitted as an e-mail attachmenl:
8.4 Electronically transmilted through a comractar's Eled.ranic Data Interclumge
(IOI) ayatem or secured internet/web portal, I.e. those Iba! provfde eJeclranic
commen:e aulstance for lhe eleouozuc submluion of pmchase ordeJS.
purchase order traclcing andiePQitlng.
8.41. Such systems shall not allow for purchase orders to bu placed for non-contract or
ezcluded items.
a 4 2. Use af BUCh systems shall be at the sole at the sole cliscretlon of the
eJfgjble agmu:y and all cost associated with aat-up1 maintenance uu:lsappmt
shaD be bome by tha contractor.
IS Electronically tlrraugh State's or eligible agencies p-card piogram.
ae This cmuract was awarded in acc:cm:la:nce with the Arizona Procmemeat Coda
and an t:amBactkms and procedures xequUad by lhe cede for compelithe
somce saJecdoa have been met. A contract ze!ease order/purahaae order,
lnfdated in ac:c:a.rdance with the raqairemants COJdah1ed heNhi, that cltea tbe
c:cmectAmmaa contract number is the only document zequfred tor the agency
to mder mu! the contractor to deliver the material and /ar senice.
8 7 Alr'f attempt to represent any material and/or eervice not spacilically awarded.
u .bemgunder contract with the State of Axizona is a violation. or the contract and
the .Amana Placurement Code. Any 81ICh action is subject to the legal and
cmdraclual remedies available lo the stale illc:lasive of, but not limited to,
cxmtiact canaellation, suspension and/or debarment of the contractor.
ea AD Olden sbould contain the following language: "PO is subject to WSCA Contmct #
7. rr 808 COMPU.ANCE
Un1esa spec:Uically authorized in the Contract, any a1ectrcmic or mfomu1ticm technology
ofremd.totheStaleofAzizonaunderthissolicitationshallcomplywithAR.S.§41-3931 and
3838 amd.SecWm 608 or the Rebabililadon Act of 1973, which mquires that employees and
ND.PO ValuePotnt
Bod7 .lnnor Pzod•cts
Administered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Point Blank Enterpl'ises, Inc.
Master Agreement Ro: 2018-181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State of .ldzona
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
membem of lhe public ahall 11ava access to and ue of lnfona•tfon taclmolagy tbat is
c:ampanhle to the llCClll8 and use by employees amt memben CJ! the pablia who me llDl
indlvidaals wilh disabilltlea.
Hefdlm:paztr UaD use, advertiae or promote inroanation !or eomnum:ia1 benefit
ccmcmnin.g Ilda Contract without the prior written appzoval of Iha other perty.
.Any matedala, fncbsding reports. computer programs and other deliverables. czeatecl
under tbls Comract are the sole praperty of the '1'he Contractor shall not use or
re1eue these matenals withOUI the prior Wlilten consent of the State.
Coatraatar shall fndanmify, defend, ave and hold barmlass the Stale of Arizona, its
deparlmentm, agenciaa, boards, commiaaions, anivenities and. its oflicers, olBcials,
. agmda, lllld employees (hereinafter relened to as "lndemnUee") from llld
agalut any l.1ld all alaims, actions. liabilities, damagea, lo&ueSr or ezpensea (indncHng
aamt casts. attomeys' Cees, and costs of claim processing, investigalkm and litfgalion)
(bmeiufterie&med to as •01aima") !or bodily injury or personal Injury (indudingdeath),
or Joss or damage to taJlgible or intangible praperty caused. or alleged to be cansed, bl
whale or In part. by Ille neqligent or wil1fD1 acts or om!1rdom of Contractor or any of its
awnms. ofllcera, df:.tectom. agents, employees or subccmtractam. This mdmmdtyhu:lndes
anyalaim or amount uising out of or recovered under the Workem' CompensatioaLawar
adsing out of the failure of such contractor to conform lo any federal, state or lcca1 Jaw,
statute. cmlinmtce,nle., regulation or court decree. It is the specific intention afthepmties
that tbe JncJemnitee shall. in all Jnstances, except for Claims arJsmg solely fmm lhe
negligent ar wiUfll1 acts or omissions of the lndemnitee, be indemnfliad by Cmdractar
&om and against any ud all claima. It is agteed that Contractor will be respcmsible for
pzimmy km bwestigatiml. defense and judgment costs where this indemldBcatfcm fs
appUc:abJe. Ill considezalion of the award of this colllmct, the Contractor BgteeS ta waive
all zighlB of subragatian against the State of Arlzona, its oflicels. oflicials. ageaCs aml
employees fm lasses ufsfng from lhe work perfonned by lbe Contrac:lor for the Stale of
Tbit IDdemnfty shall not apply If the contraator or aub-contractor(s) is/are an agency,
baanJ. aomm1ssion or university or the State of Arizona.
NJlSPO ValuePolllt
Bocly Jlnaor Products
Administered by tha State of Colozado (hereinafter "Lead State'')
Point Blank Entmpdaes1 Inc:.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor'')
State of .lzlzoaa
(harei:nafter "Participating State/Entity'')
Cmmctar and subcmdractom shall pracure and maintain anti! all of their obligaticma
llava IMHtn dilclmged. including any wammtyperlods under tJdl Contract, are •tilled.
fmmm:a agaimt claims for injury to persons or damage to property which may adle
fmmar m cmnw•tjnn with the pezformance af tlm work herelUlder by the Ccmlractar. his
apalll. mpnltl al11tives. employees or suhcontractora.
'1'hl!t imwaacce reqairaments herein are miuimnmrequhemenls far this CoDlrad lllldfnllO
way limit the fudemnily covenants co.nlained In tllis Contract. 'lbe State of .Amana in JlD
ft7 wananlB that the m1nimam limits contained herein are suflic:fent ta plOl8c:I 1118
Coahm::lor fmm UehfJltfea that might arise aut of the pmformance of tbe work 1lllder Ilda
con" a.ct bf the Ccmtractm, its agents.~. employeesornbeontraclnza, ad
Cmdractar i& fl:ae ta pmdwe additional iJulurance.
A. MINIMUM SCOPE Mm LIM1'l'S OF INSUB.ANCE: Contradar sballp?OVlde ammge
with limita of Uabilltynat less than lhose Gtated below.
• =:=1tn°cr:~~~=~pemcmalfnJmYwl hloail !mm COlllraCtWl1 U&bDfty-coverage.
• Gel1eral~ sa,000.000 • Pmdm:ta-led~ $1,000,000
• PananaJ and tisinG Injury Sl,000,000
• Blanket Contractual Liabllity-Wntten Sl,000,000
• Fili f'.agB1 Liability $ 80,000
• Each Occ:arram:e $1,000,000
a. The policy shall be endorsed to bu:lw:le tlm !ollowing additimaal iMmed
lang'llage: "De Stat.e of Amo.Ila, Its de,INU1llleJds, agmzclffll, IHNlnfs,
c:ommfalom, anlnndfla and llll ollleen, olllclals, ageafs, 8lld
emJtlOJ&• slla1I be 11amecf as addltlonal iJl:lmeU wllA ntqed fo
llaNllly IU'lsbl.g om of Ille aclhlllu pedonnsd by or oa bebaJI ollb
b Polley shall contain a waiver of subrogatioll against the Sta.le of Al'b:mta, its
depaltnumla, agencies, boards, commilllJiODB, universities and ft& oflk:en,
oflicials, agimts, and employees Cor lasses arising from work pex&inned
by or cm behalf of the Contractor.
2. Ballbaess .btomo1dle Liability
Bodily lnjuiy and Property Damage for any owned. hired. and/or mm-owned
_____ .. ,._ -----·--"
NJlSPO ValaePoint
Body Jlnnor Products
Administered by the State of Colomclo (hereinafter "Lead State'')
Point Blank Enterpdses, Inc.
Master Agreement No: 201&.181
(hereinafter "Contractor'')
State of Arlzoaa
(hereinaftar "Participating State/Entity'')
vehldes used in the pmformance of this Comract.
ComJm.ed Single Limit (CSL) Sl,000,000
a The poUcy shall he endomecl to include the tallowing additionel iuaw:ed
language: "The State of .Amana, its deparlllumts. agencies, hnanll,
eommfssfom, univenities and its omceu. aflimaJa, agmdll. and
emp!Dyees shall he named as additiol\al imnueds with~ to liabUity
adsing out of the activities ped'ouaed by or on behalf of the Ccmtmctar,
fnval9ing automobiles owned. leased. hired or boaowed lly the
b Policy sball ccntain a waiver of aublogation agaimt the Stale of Arimna,
u depmtments. agencies, houds, c:cmnnissfom, a:aivmallles amt ils
atBcen, afliciaJs, agents, and employees for loBiea arising &am wart
pmfmmed by or on behalf of the Contractor.
l. Worker's Compensation and
Emp1oyem' JdahDity
Wadcen' Compamatian
Emp1oyem' Liability
Bmployee Disease •
Policy Limit
s 600,000
s 800,000
a Polley shall cantajn a waiver of subrogation agajnst the Stale of
Azizona, ilu departments, agencies, boards. commissfona,
anivenilies and its of6cer.a, of&c:iala, agents. 811d employees for
losses arising from work pmformed by or cm behalf of the
b This requjrement shall not apply to: Separately, EACH
conlractor or subcontractor exempt under A.R.S. 33-801, and
wben such contnctor or subcontractor executes the
appiopriate waiver (Sole Praplietor/Independent Contractor)
B. ADJ)mC>NAL INSURANCE BEQlJJREMENTS; The policies shall include, or he endorsed to inc1ade.
N.1SPO ValuePoint
Bod.7 .lnaar Products
Admh1istered by the State af Colozado (hereinafter .. Lead State")
Point Blank Enterprises, Im:.
Master Agreement No: 2016·181
(hereinafter uConlractor")
State of Jlzlzona
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
1. Tlle State of .Adzona, its departments, agencies, boards, commiaskma, unlvmaltfes and
Ila omcera, ofliclats, agents, and employees wherever additional insured sta1US is
zeq1dled. S1lch additicmal insuredsball bec:avered to the full limits ofUabilltyhrcbued
bf Iba eontractor, even if tbase limils af UabWty are in excess of those nqab:edby tbiB
2. ',l'lla Cmdractm'tl Wmmv:e covenge shall be primary insmance with respec:t to an ather
available llGUC8ll.
s. ~providedby the Contractor shall not be limited. lo the UabWty assumed under
the indem!dficlltkm provisions of this Contract.
c. NQ'l'ICB DE CUKaJ.BTJON: With the exeeption of (10) day notice of cancellation tor mm-
PIJ.lllfDd of pemmm, any changes materlal to compliance with this contract iD the
blsmauce po1ldes above shall requi%e (30) days Wlilten natice to the State of
ArizDnB .• Such DDtice shall be sent dire~ to Azizona De~ of ,AdntjnistraP::d State
l'laemelnent Oflica Jocaled at 100 N. 181 Ave., Suite 201, and Phoenix. AZ 86007 l1laD
be aentby certilied mail. return receipt requested.
D ACCpT.UVl"!QF INBUBERS: Insurance is to be placed with duly licemed ar appravad
~ lmmeis In the state of AJizona with an •AM. Best" :rating of not less than.A. vn. 'llleBtate of .Armmain no waywammta that the aJxm!.:eqWredminimum fllaarerrallng
is snffk:iQt to protect the Contractor from potential lasurer iDsolvencJ, .
E. ypmCATJDN OF C0'1BIJAGE~ Contractor shall fumish the State of .Arizona with
certificates of insmance (ACORD ronn or equivalent approved by the State or .Aziama) as
required by this Contract. Tiie certificates for each insurance policy are to he signed by a
p8lilan autborimd by that insurer to blnd coverage on its behalf.
.Rllc:ertUicates ami endonements are to be received and approved by the State of Arfmna
be!me work commences. Each insmance polic:yrequizedby this Contract must befn effect
at or plfar co c:omraencernent of work under this Contract and mmain in affect Im die
chiratlan of the projecL Pailure to maintain the insurance polfdes as reqairecl by this
Cantmct. or co provide evidence of renewal, is a material breach of contract.
~ ~~t Contract shall be sent c:Urectly to .Amcma. Depmtmeat of
OfBcelocated at 100 •Ave., Suite 201, Phoenix, AZ 85007. The State ofAdzo:naproject/contract
R. 161 number and p:oject
• dMc:riptkm shell be noted on the certificate of insurance. The State of Arizona reserves the
dghltonquirecomplete, certifiec:l copies of allinsuram:e polidesrequiredbythisComract
HJlSPO ValuePohat
Body Jbmor Products
Administered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter ''Lead State'"}
Point Blank Enterpdses, Ina.
Master Agreement No: 2018-181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
Slate of .ldzona
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity''}
F : Contraclms' certilicate(s) lhall include all subcontractors as iMureds
under its poliaies or Contractor shall rmnJah to the State of .Atizcma separate c:ertificates
and enctmsemel\l9 far eachsubcontractar. All eoverages Cor subc:cmtractamshallbe subject
to tha minimum requirements identilied above.
G APPRQV.AL: Any m.octification or vadadon tram the .bumrance requirements in this Contract
abaJl be made by the Deputment of .Administration. Risk Management DiWdon. whose
decision shall be &naJ. Such action will mt require a t'cmaal Contiact amendment, but may
be made by administrative action
H : Jn the event the Contractor or IUJ>.contractor(s) il/111& a public entity, then
Iha Insaranca Requiremelds shall not apply. Such public entity shall pmvide a Certificate
of SelC-insurance. U lhe contractor ar SQb.ccmlractor(a) is/are a State or Arizona agency,
boud, c:ommiaion, ar univezsity, none of the above lball apply.
1. • Deftnftlon ofTenm
As used in this Solicitation and any resulting Contract, the tenns listed below are
de.6aed as followa:
1.1 "Attachmenf means any item the Solicitation iequ1res the Olferor to IUbmit as part of the
12 "Conlract• means the combination of the Solicitation. including the UniloDn and
Special lnmucdona lo Offmora, the Uniform ud Special Terms and Conditions,
and tbe Specfficatians ud Statement ar Scape of Work; the Offer and any Beat and
Fizia1 Offen; and any Solic:itatian Amendments or Contract Amendments.
13 "Contract .Amendment" means a written dacument signed by the Procurement
Oflicer that is issued for the purpose of maldng changes in the Contract.
14 "Contractor" means any person who has a Conaract with the State.
1 s "Daya" means cakmdar days unless othe?wise specified.
1 a "Exhibit" means any item labeled as an Exhfhit in the Solicitation or placed in the E:xhfbits
section of the Solicitation.
11 "Gratuity" means a paymem, Joan. suhscriptiou, acMmc:e, deposit of money, semces. or. anything or more than DomiM1 value. present or promised, U11lesa
consideration of substantially eqaa1 or greater value is ?eCeived.
1 a 11Matmials" means all propeity, inclading equipment, supplies, printing, insurance
and leases of propeity hut doea not include land, a peimanent intereat in land or
real property or leasing space.
--------·-···· -. ·-........... ···-----
IUSPO ValuePoiat
Body .lnnoJ: Pzoclucts
Administered by the State of Colond.o (hereinafter 1"Lead State,.)
Point Blank Entmpmas, Illa.
Master Agreement No: 2016·181
(hereinafter 11Contractor11)
State of Amona
(hereinafter 11Participating State/Entity")
1 s "Pmcurement Olficer" means the person. or bis or her desfgnee, duly authorized
by the State to enter into and administer Contracts mu:lmake w.ritfen
110 Detem\inations with respect ta the Contract.
1 t1 -services" means the !umiahfng of labor, lime or efi'ort by a contractor or
llllhccmtractor which does not Involve the delivery af a specific end pmduct other
than required repotts and pedomumce, bat does not include employmelll
agreements or coUectiva J:>argaming agmementa.
112. "Subcontract• means any Contract, expreas or Implied. between the Contnctor
and another party or between a sabcontractor and another puty deleqadng or
assigning, in whole or in part. the making or famishh1g al any material ar any
service reqaimd for the perfmmance of the Contract.
113 "State" meal\8 the State of Alizou and Department or Agency of the State lhat executes the
1 " "State F"JBCal Yeartt means the peliod begiDJUng with July 1 and el.'lding June 30.
2. Ocmtraat Interprelallon
21. &lzona.Law. 'fheAzizona law ai;,plies to this Contract including, where applicable,
the thWonn Commmdal Code as adopted by the State of Arizoml and the Atizolla
Procurement Cade, Arizona Revised Statutes (.A.R.S.) Title 41, Chapter 83, and its
lmplementillg rules, Arizona .Administrative Code (A.AC.) Title a, Chapter 7.
2 2 lmpJiad Cmnsac:t Terms. Eaah provision of law and any terms required by law to
be in this Contract are a part of this Contract u H fully staled in iL
2 3 Contract Order of Precedence. la the event of a aanDict in lhe provisions of the
Contract, as acc:eptecl by the State and as they may be amended. the following
shall prevail i:n the mder set foxth below:
2 31. Special Teans and Condltimur.
2 3.2 t1nifcmn Terms and. Ccmclitioim;
2 3 3 Statement or Scope of Work;
234 Specillcations;
2 3 5 Attachments;
2 3 8 Exhibits;
2 3 7 Documents referenced or included in the Soll.citation.
2.4 Relaticmsbip of Palties. The Contractor under this Contract is an independent
Contractor. Neither party to Ibis Contract shall be deemed to be lhe employee or
HISPO ValaePoint
Body •nnor Prod11Cts
Administered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State'')
Point Blank Enterprises, Inc:.
Master .Agreement No: 2018-181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State of Jldzona
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
agent of the other party to the Contract.
z 5 Severability. 'l'he provisions of this Contract are severable. Any tern\ or condllion
deemed mega1 or invalid shall not affeot any olher term or condition of the
2 a No Parole Evidence. This Conttact is intended by the paztlea as a lillal a:nd
complete upreaaima of thei: agreemanL No couzse of prior deali:nga between t11a
parties and no usage· of the nde aball supplement or espJain any leJm8 used ln
this dacumant and no other mu:1emanding either oral or in wtiting man be
2.7 No Waiver. Either party's failure to insist on stricC perfmmsnce of any term or
condition of the Contract shaD m>t he deemed a waiver of that term or condition
aveD if the party accepting or acquiescb1g in the nonconfonning pmfomwu:e
bD'BI of the utuie of the perfanamu:e and fails to object to it.
3. ColltzaGt .ldmUaUtratfon ud Opentfon
31 Recqgls. Under A.R.S. § 36-214 and§ 36-218, the Contractor shall retain and shall
contnctually mquire each Sl1bcoDlmctor to Ietain all data and other 1'xecoms"
relating ta the acqulsll1on mu:l performance of the Ccmtract for a period of the years
after the completion of lhe Contract.. AU reemds shall be subject ta h1specticm and
audit by the State at :easonahle time&. Upon zequest, the Contractor abaU produce
a legible copy of any or all such records.
3 z Kan-J:lfsaritqpmtipn. The Contractor shall comply with State Emcudve Order No.
2009-09 and aD other applicable Federal mu! State laws, rules and regulalicms,
lncludlng the Americ:aJ1S with Disabilities AcL
33 &YID. Pu:rsuant ta A1lS § 35-214, at any tiJlle dming the tenn of this Contract and
live (8) years thereafter, the Contractol's or any subcontractor's books and records
shall he aabject to audit by the State ancl. whent appllcahle, the Federal
Govemment. to the extent OW the boob amt records relate to the perlm:mance of
the Contract or Subcontract.
3 4 Fadlidy Inspectipn ;puiMateriaJB Tegtil!q. The Contractor agrees to permit access
to its facilities, aubcontractor facilities and the Contmctots processes or services,
at reasonable times for inspection of the lacilftfes or materials coveted under tbls
Conlract. The State ahall also haw Iha right to teat, at its awn coat, the mate:rials to
he supplied under this Ccnuract. Neither inspectlan of the Ccmtractor's facilities nor
maletials testing shall constitute fiiul1 acceptance of the materials or services. Uthe
State detemdnes non-compliance of the materlale. the Contractor shall l:te
xaspoasible for the payment of all coats incmted by the State £or testing and
NJlSPO ValaePolnt
Body Annor Prod.uals
Administered by the State of Colondo (hereinafter "Leacl State")
Point Blallk Entmptlses, Inc.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Conlractor")
State of &lizona
(hereinafter "Participating State/Endly'')
3 5. Nqtim. Notices to the Contractor required by this Contract shall be made by tbe
State to the persan indicated on the Offer and .Acceptance form sWnidttad by the
Comracmr 1lll1ess othezwise stated in lhe Contract. Notices to the State JeqUifed by
lhe Contmct allall :be made by the Contraclor to the Solidladon Contact Person
indicated on the Solicitation cover sheet, unless othexwi8e stated in the Contract •
.An mlmrized Pftx:mement Oflicer and an autharized cantractor repnsentative
may change their iespective pemon ta whom notice shall be given by written
notice to the alher and an amendment to the Contract shall not be neceaazy.
36 Adymtiting, Ppblf•Nmg om1 JlmmqtHm ot Ccntrac:t. The Contractor lhal1 not use,
advertise or promote infonaation for ccmmum:ial benefit ccmeemmg this Oonllact
without the prlor wntten appzuwl of the Piocmenumt Officer.
37. PmJ.iem of tbe State. .Any maleiiala, ineluding reports, computer programs and
other deliverables, created under tlds Contract are the sole property or lhe State.
'l'he Conlmctor is not enlit1ecl to a patellt or copydght on thoae matedals and may
not tramler the patent or eopyzight to anyone else. The Comractor lball not use or
zeleaae dwse materials without the pdmwrittan consent or the State.
38 Qwnemhjp qCJnt@llec;tpal Prgperty. Any and all intellectual propmty, inclucting but
not Umilecl to capydght, invention, trademazk. llade name, service mmt. and/or
trade secrets created or com:eivad pmsaant to or as a result of this contmct and
any related aahcontract ("Inlallectual Property'), shall be work made far hire mu:l
the State shall be ccmsiderud the creator or such Intellectaal Property. The agancy,
c1epa?tmenl, division, board or comm1ssicm of the State of Alizana requesting the
issu8JIC8 or tbls conlraet shall own (fDr ud on behalf of lhe State) the enllm dght.
title and interest to the Intellectual PropertJ throughout the world. Contractor shall
notify the State, within thirty (30) days,· of the cieation of any Intellectual Pmperty
agrees to ezecme any and all doc:ument(s) necessary to assme ownemhlp of the
lntellec:tual Property vests in the State ancl sbaJ1 take no afRrmativa aclfcml that
might have the effect of vesting all or pazt of the bdallectual Property in any entity
other than tbe State. The Intellectual Pioparty shall not be disc:1osed by COl\traCtOr
Its aubcomnctor(s) to any entity net the State without the express written
author:ization of the agency, department, division, hoard or cammission of the Stale
of .Arlzona mquestmg the isnuu:e of this contract.
3 9 Federal Jmmigralign and Natfonalily act. The contractor shall comply with all
facleraJ, state and local immigration lawB and regulaliom relating to the
IUSPO ValuePoint
Bady lnnor Proda.ots
Administered by the State of Colondo (hereinafter "Lead State")
MASTER AGREEMENT •amt Blank Entelplisu, Inc.
Master Agreement Ho: Hl&-181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State of .lrizoDa
(harainafter 11Partlclpating StatelEntity")
inmUgradon atatas of their maployeea dm:Ulg the tenn of the contract. Fmther, the
c:ontractorshailllow clown this requUement to allaubcontiactcm utilized daring the
tenn of the COJdract. 'l'hB State shall mtain the right to perfoan random audils of
contractor and sabc:onlmctor recmds or to inlpact papers of any employee thereof
to ensare oomplianee. Should the State determine that tbe contractor and/or any
sabcmdractcn be found noncompliant. the Slate may pmsua all temedies allowecl
bylaw, mc:lnding, but not llmllad to; supension of work. termination of the
for default mad supemdon and/or debument of the contractor.
310 £-verify Baqpiremen19. In accmdal1ce with .A.R.S. § 41-4401, Conlractor wamm1s
compJiance with all Facleral immigration laws amt regulatlons mJadng to
311 §c;mtinipd Bpujn@geg. In acccmlaau:e with A.R.S. § 38-391 and .AJLS. § 38-393,
Conlnctar certiliea that tbe Contractor doel not bave scrutm1lrecl bnsiness
aperatlou in Sudan or lraJ\.
312 Of!hmg Pmfmmanc;e afWorkProhJhjted,
Any senk:el that ara deacdbad in the speclflcadons or scope of wad: that directly
RrVG lhe Stale of ADzoua or its clients and involve access to secme or aemilive
dala orpencmal client data shall be pedonned witbilL the defined tanitmiea of lhe
United States. Unless speaifical1y stated othenrisa in the speciJicaticms. this
paragraph does not apply to indirect or 'overhead' services, reclmldant bacJG.up
senicea or serv1ces that mu incidental to the pmformmu:e of Iha cantract. '1'hia
provision appllas to work perfomecl by subcoritractorB at all tlem.
4. 00819 mul Payments
41 Paymemg. Payments sl1all comply with the requiiements of A.R.S. Titles 36 and 41,
Net 30 days. Upon mc:eipt and acceptance of goodll or senicee, the Contractor
shall submit a complete and accurate involca for payment from the Slate within
tbi?ty (30) days.
4 2 D.eliyeq. UNeBS &lated otheiwise in Ute Contract. all plices &hall be F.O.B.
Destination and shall include all &eight delivery and unloading at lhe deslinalkm.
4 3 &mliab'e TaJM.
4 31 Payment pf Taxeo. The Contractor shall be responsible for paying all applicahle
4 3.2 &ate and Lgql TnmM!'lfkm Prb1lege Tam. The State of Arlzana is subject
to all applicable state and local transaction privilege taxes. Transaction·
NASPO ValuePaint
Bady Jlzmor Pnducts
Administered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Point Blallk Bsdnpdses, Jae.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State of Anzou
(hereinafter "Participating StatelEntity")
Pdvilega taxea apply to the sale and axe the reapomibilily or the seller to
remiL Pailme to collect such tues from the buyer does not l8lieve the seller
&om lbs obligation to iem1I taxes.
4 3 3 Tu JMeqprlftretjpn. Contractor and allsubcontracton shall pay all Federal.
state and local taxes applicable to ill opmadon and any peno1111 employed
by the Contractor. Cantractor lhaDw and require all S1lbconlractors to hold
the State hannless &am any respomsibility l'm: taxes, damages and intemat.
if applicable, c:cmtriJ:n1tlam xeqqi.Nd under Federal, and/ox state and 1oc:al
laws and regulations and any other costs 1nclucUng tranaactlon privilege
ta:ms, unemployment compensation i:risarance, Social Secmity and
Worker's Compensalion.
4 3 4 IRS W9 Form, In onler to receive payment the ContractM shall have a
cammt I.R.S. W9 Fama on lile with Iha Slate of Alizona, U11less not required
• 4 AnDability of Fund! for the Next Stale fisqa1 yev. Ponds may not presently ba
available forpmformance under this Contract beyond the cmrent state fiscal year.
No legal llablllty on the pan of the State far aay paymellt may arlle under thJs
Contract lxly011d the current state fiscal year until funds are made available for
pmfmmance of tbla Canttact.
ADil•hD'ly qf Fgnda lor the spmmt State Bpi year. Should the State Legislature enter
bad: iJllo session and reduce the appiopdations oi for any xeauoa and these goads or
semcas me not fancied, the State may take any er the following actions:
4 4 1 Accept a decrease in price offered by the c:ontraclox;
4 4 2 cancel the Contract; or
4 4 3 C8ncel the contract and ie-solicit the requirements.
s. Collt:ract Clumges
s 1 Anumdmgnta. This Contract is issued under the authority of the Procurement Officer
who sigJted dWI Contract. The Contract may be modified only through a Contract
Amendment within du! scope al the Contract. Changes to Ille Contract. includbtg
the addition of work or materiala, the %ftisian of payment tenns, or the wbstitWion
of work -ar matmials, directed by a pmaon who is :not specifically authoxized by lhe
proc:arement officer in writing or made unllatera1ly by the Contractor ce violations
of the Ccmtract and of applicable Jaw. Such changes. including unautllodzed W1itten
Contract.Amendments shall be void and without effect, and the ContractDr shall JlOt
be enlitled to any cJahn under this Contract based on those cluu'lges. •
s 2 §.ghqmt@cts. The Contractor shall not enter into any Subcontract under this
RISPO ValuePalnt
Body Jlnnar Products
Administered by the State of Colcmulo (heraina.fter 11Aead State")
Point Blank Entezprises, Inc.
Master .Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter ucontractor")
State of Jbizoaa
(hereiJlafter "Partidpadng State/Entlty")
Contract Cor tbe perCormance of tbla contract without Iha advance wzitten appiova1
of the Pmamement OBicer. The Calllractor shall clearly Ust any pioposed
BUbcmdmctazs and Iha subcomrac:tor's proposed reaponsibilitiel. The Subcontract
ahaJ1 blcmporate by raleranca the tamul and conditions of this Contraat.
53 Aajgnment and Delesaljcn. The Conlrac:tor shall not assign any right nor delegate
any duty under this Contract without the prior written appnml of the Procmemenl
Officer. The State shall not umeasonablywithbold approval
6. JUsk and 1daJdUty
& 1 RiskofLass: The Contractor shall bear all loss of ccmf'orrnbJgmatmial covered under
lh1s CoDtract until receivecl by authmfzed pammmel at the location desfgnated in
the pu:rchase order or Contract. Mere receipt does not constitute Onal acceptance.
The risk of loss for nongonforralng materJals ahall zemam with tha Conaractor
regard1eal of nceipL
6.2 Indempificalion
u.1 Contractor Vendor lndmnnification IXot Pgblig Agrmgy> '1'he pmties to this
c:ontmct agree that the State of .Arizona, its departmeata, agencias, boards
and commissions shall he btdenmified and held harmless by the conlm:Car
for the vicarJouB liabWty of the State u a :esult of entering into this contract.
However, the parties fmther agree thal the State of Alllcma, tea departments,
agencies. boards and commissions shall be rasponaible for its own
negllgenc:e. Each party to this contract isrespoMible for its own negligence.
a 2 2 pPblig Agancy Language Only Each pmty (as 'i:ndemnitor) agrees to
Indemnify, defend, and hold hru:mlea lhe other party (as 'indemmtee') Crom
ancl against any a:acl an claims, losses, lial:IWty, costs, or upemes (incJodfng
zeasonahla altOl1KITs Cees) (hereinafter collectively refened to as 'claims')
mising ou.t of bodily injmy of any pemon (including death) or property
damage but only to the eztent that meh claims which resalt in
vicarious/derivative liability to the ind.emrlitee, are caused by the act.
omission. negligence, misconduct, or olher fault of the lndemnitor, its
oflic:ers. omciaJs, agents, employees, or voJunteers."
a 3 Incfemnffjqtign -patent and Comngbt. 'l'ha Cantractor shall b1demnify and hold
harmlellB the State against any liability, including costs and expenses, rm
infringement of any patent. trademark or copyright uisfng out of Conlracl
perfmmance or use by the Stale of materials famished or worlc perf'mmed under
s 4 'l11is Contract. The State shall reasonably notify the Contractor of any cla1m fot
which it may be liable under this pemgraph. If the c:omractor is insu:rad pmuuant
N.ISPO ValuePomt
Body lnnor Products
Admhtistered by the State of Colorado (hereb1after "Lead State'')
Point Blank Elltelprises, Ina.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter "Contractor'')
State of 4dzoaa
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity11
to AR.S. § 41-821 and§ 35-154, this sec:tlon shall not apply.
& s Forge Majewe.
6.4.1 Ezcept for payment of 81DIUI due, neither party eha11 he liable ta the
other nor deemed in defalllt 1mder this Contract if msd. to the extent lhat
llllCh party's pmfomumce of this Contract is prevented by reason of force
majeme. The term "force majeure" means an oo::mrence that fs beyond
the conlnll of the party affected and occum without its fault or negligeJu:e.
Without limiting the foregoing, foice majeme includes acts of God: aats
of the public enemy; war. :dots; Btlikas: mobiHpafion; labor disputes; civil
dismden: fire; Doad; lockouts; injum:tlom-inteticm-acta; or failmes
or refasaJa to act by govemmant authority; and other similar
oc:c:ummces beyond the ccmllOl of the party cleclarlng force majeme
which such party is unable to prevent by exercising reasonable
e .c 2 Force Majeure shall not include the following occummces:
6 4 2 1 Late delivery of equipment or malerials caused by congescicn at a
manufacturer's plant or elsewhere, or an oversold conclltion of lhe
e 4 2 2. Late perfommnca by a subcontractor unless the delay mises out of a
force majeure occm:rence in accordance with this wee majeara
tean and condition; or
6 4 2 3. Inability of either 1he Contractor or any BUhcontnclor to acqaire or
maintain any required insuranoe, bonds, licenses or permits.
6 4 3 U either party is delayed at any time in the pzagresa of the work by !otce
majeure, the delayed pa:rty shall notify the other party in writing of such
delay, as soon as is practicable and no later than the followingwoiki:ng day,
of the commencement thereof and shaD specify Iha causes of such delay in
such notice. Suchnolicesballbedelivmed ormailed~ietumrecefpt
and Bhail make a speclBc reference to this mtlale, thereby invokillg its
provisions. The deJayad party shall c:auae such delay to cease as soon as
practlcable and shall notify the other party in writing when it has done so.
The time of completion shall be extended by Colltmct .Ammldment ror a
period of time equal to the time that results or effect& of such delay prevent
the delayed party from perfmm1ng' in ac:cordal\ce with this Contract.
6.4 4 Any delay or failure in perlomumce by either party hereto shall not
constitute defaalt he1'8under or give me to any claim for damages or loss of
R.ISPO ValaePomt
Body .lnnor Proclacts
Administered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Pofllt Blank Entmpdses, Inc.
Master Agreement No: 2018-181
(hereinafter "Contractor')
State of .ldzou
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity'')
ilDl:icipated prolits if. and to Ille extent that such delay or failure is caused
by force majeme.
a a Third Pm\\' Antitmst Viru,ttcma, 'l'l18 Conlraetor assigns to the State any c:Wm for
oveteharges 1'e8l1llillg from antitrust violatiol\B to the extent that lhose violations
c:oncem mateiials or servicel supplied by third pmties to the Contractor, toward
ful6llment af this ContracL
·7, Wunmiea
71. lillml-The Contractor wa:mmts that the materlals supplied under thia Contract are
free of liens and shall remain free of liens.
12 npemx. Unless othenrise madlfled elsewhe?e In these terms and conditions. the
Contractor wmrants that, for one year after acceptance by the State of the
materials, they shall be:
7 2 1 Of a quality to pass without objection in the trade under the Contract descdplion;
7 2.2 FU for the intended puxposes for which the marerials are used;·
12 3 Within the variations pexmitted by the Contnct and are of even kbu:l,
quantity, and quality within each unit and among all units;
12.4 Adeqnately contained, packaged and marked as Iha Contract may require; and
12 s Conlmm to the written promises or aflinnaliol\S of fact made by the CcmtRctor.
7 3 f'ih!Mfl, The Conlra.ctor wanants that any material supplied to lhe Slate shall fully
conform to all requirem.ellts of lhe Contract and all representations or the
Conlractor, and shall be fit !or all pmposas and uses reqaj?ed by the Contnct.
74 h!7P"ttimVIJ'=tt. The WimilJUieB set forth in subparagraphB 7.1 thl'ough 7.3 of
this paragraph are not affected by inspection or testing of or payment for the
materials by the State.
7 5 Compliance with .l\ppUcable Laws· The materials and services supplied under this
Contract shall comply with all applicahle Federal. state and local laws, amt the
Contractor shall maintain all applicable license and peanit requirements.
7 6. Spryjyal pf Bights and ObllptiODS after ContraQt ExpiratiQlt or Temdnatimt.
7 61 Contraclor'B Representatjgns and Wam.nties, All representations and
wm:ranties made by the Contrac:lar under lhls Contract shall sunive the
expiration or tennination hereof. In addition. the parties here to
aclcqowledge lhat pmsuant to A.R.S. § 12-510. except ag pmyid@d in A.lUj.
6 12-539. the Slate is not subject lo gr barred by any JimitatiQM of actiQM
prescribecl in A.llfi .. Title 12, Ohgpter B.
lUSPO ValuePoint
Body Jhmn Pndacts
Administered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Point Blank Elltezpdses, Inc.
Master .Agreement No: 2018-181
(hereinafter "Contractor")
State of Arizona
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity"')
7 e 2 Pprqbaae Ordam. The Contractor shall. In BCCqrclance with all tamas and
condllicma of lhe Contraclt fally pezform and shall be ~ed to comply
with all pmchase ordezs received by lhe Contractor pdor to the expilalloB
or tennlMtton hereof, un1ea othelwise directed in wrlting by the
Procmement Officer, inchtdtng, without limi•alion, all purchase orders
rec:eiwd. prior to but not fully pmfomed and salislied at the expiration or
termination of lhls Contract.
8. State's Contractual llemedies
e, Right to Amnmmce· U the State in good fail1\ has 188SOD to believe that Iha
Cmd::ractur cloe8 not intend to, or ii UMble tope:foan or c:ondnue performing under
this Comract. the PraC111811l8Dt Oflicer may demand in tbat the Contractor
give a written assmanca of hltent to pedorm. Failme by the Contractor to piovide
written asaurance within the N1lllber of Days specified in Ille demand may, at Iha
State's option. be the basis £or tenainating the Contract U!lder the UJliCorm Tenas
and Candltlcms or other rights and remedlel available by law or provided by the
8 2 Slog Wprk Order·
a.21 The Stale may, at any time, by Wlitten order to lhe Contractor, require the
Contractor to stop all or any part. of the wcmc callad for by this Contract for
period(a) of days indicaled by the State after the order is delivered to the
Contnc:tor. The order sltal1 be speciflcaDy Identified as a stop work order
Issued under this clause. Upon receipt af the order, the Contrador ehaD
lmmpdtately comply with its tenns and tab all reascmab1e steps to.minimim
the incmrence of costs allocable to the work covered by the order during
the pmiod of work stoppage.
a 2 2 If a stop WOik order is8ued under this clause Is canceled or the period of the
mdm or any extension expins, the Contractor shall resume work. '1'he
Piocuienumt Ofticer Bhall make an equltable adjustment in the deUveq
schedule or Contract p?ice, or both. and the Contract shall be amended in
wnUng acccm:UngJy.
8 3 Npn:ftxplusiye Remtdies. '1'he liglds uu:l the nmedles at the State under dUs Contract are
not exclusive.
8 4 Ngnc:;pnfgrming Teruler. Materials or services supplied under this Contract shall
fully comply with the Contract. The delivery of materials or services or a portion of
the materials or services that do not fully comply constitufes a breach of contract.
On delivery of nonconfmming materials or sentces. the State may tenainate the
Contract for de!imlt under applicable termination clauses in the Contract. exercise
any ol its dghl8 and remedies under the tJni&mn Commercial Code, or pu.mue any
HUPO ValuePolDt
Bocly Jbmot Products
Administered by the State of Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State")
Paint Blank Entelprises, Inc.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter °Contractor'')
State of Jldzana
(hereinafter "Participating State/Enlity'1
other zight or remedy available to iL
u Right of Offsat The State shall be entitled to offset agaimt any sumu due the
Contractor, any expenses or costs incurred by the State, or damages usessed by
Iha State ccmcemmg the Conlraelots nmM:OnloantJu.r performance or failure to
pedolm the Contract, including expanses, costs and damages described in the
Unilaml Tem1B ami Conditions.
9. Contract Tena•aatioD
91 Qpnmllgtton for Qo»Rjgt qi lnlenJSt. PmBuanl to A R.S. § 38-511, the State may
cancel this Contract within lbzee (3) yeam after Conlract executian w!lbout penalty
or fmther ohligatian if any paraon afgnilicantly Involved in illitiatfng, negatfaliag,
seeming, drafting or creating the Contract an behalf of lbe State Is ar becomes at
any dme while the Contract or an extension of tbe Contract ID in effect an employee
of or a c:onaultant to any other party to this Contraat with respect to the subject
matter of the Contract. The cancellation sball be efrec:tive when the Contractor
receivel W?itten 110Uce of the cancellation unless lha notice specifies a later time.
If the Contractor is a political subdirisian of the State, it may also cancel this
Contract as provided in A.RS. § 38-61 l.
9.2 Qmtpitin The State may, by written notice, terminate th1ll Cmdract, In whole ar in
part. if the State detemdnes that employment or a Gratuity was ofl'ered or made by
Iha Coalractor or a representa!he of the Ccmtraotor to any ofDctu or employee of
Iba State for the pmposa of bdluencillg the outcome of Iha procurement or seeming
the Contract, an amendment to the Contrac:t, or favorable treatment ccmceming the
Comract, 11\cluding the making of any determmatlon or dedslon about cantract
perfm:mance. The State, In addilkm to any other dghls or mmecties, shall be
entitled to xec:over exemplary c:lmMgea in the amount of three times the value of
the Gratuity olfemd by the Contractor.
93 BpapemiQn or DeharJunl. The State may, by written naUce to the Contractor,
iram.edlately terminate this Contract if the State determines that the CoDtraotor bas
been debarred, suspended or otherwise lawfully prohil>ited from participating in
any public pmcmement ac:livlty, including but not limited to, being disapproved
as a subcontractor of any public procurement unit or otlter govemmcmtal body.
Submittal of an ofl'er or uec:ution of a CDl\lraCt shall attest lbat the contractor Is l10t
cmrently saspendecl or debazred. If the COJUraetor
beccmles suspended or clebaned, the contractor shall immediately notify the State.
9 4 Tftppmatipn l'or CpmrenieJJCQ. The State reseives the right to terminate the
Contract, in whole or in part at any time when in the best interest of the State,
without penally ormcourse. Upon Ieeeipt or the written notice, Iha Contractor shall
stop all work. as directed in the nolice. notify all subcontmctom of the effective date
lUSPO ValuePoiDt
Bad71lnnor Products
Administered by the State of Colondo (hereinafter "Lead State")
Point Blank Entmprises1 Inc.
Master Agreement No: 2016-181
(hereinafter .,Contractor")
State of .ldzona
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity")
of the tenainalion and minimize aD further costs to lhe Slate. In the e'V'eJll of
tennination under this paragra~ all documents, data and reports prepared by
the Cantractor under the Conlracl shall became the propezty of and be delivered
to the State upon demand. '1'he Ccmllactor shall he entitled to receive jaat and
equitable c:ompensatioD for work in progress, work completed and materials
accepted befola the effective dale of the tenamation. The cost principles amt
piucedwea provided inAAC. R2-7-701 lhall apply.
9 5 TmniMtfsm mr Default.
9 s 1 Jn addition to the rights rese:ved. in the contract. the State may texmimate the
Contract in whole or In pazt due to the failure of the Contractor to comply
with any tenn or c:ondltlon of tbe Cantmclt to acquire and mainlain all
mquimd Utsurcuu:e policfes1 bonds, licenses and pennits, or to make
satisfactory progress in pmfcmnhtg the Contiact. The Pmaurement Officer
shall provide written notice of the termiulion and Iha reasons far it to the
9 5 2 Upon temdnadon under this paragraph. all goods, materials, documenls,
data and reports prepared by the Contmctor under the Contract shall
become the propmty of and be deliveied to the State cm demand.
9 5 3 The Stale may, upon tenntaa.Uon of this Contrad, pmcw:e, cm terms and in
the manner that it deems approprlale, raatexials or services to replace those
under this Contract. The Contractmshallbe liable to the State for any excess
coatB incm:red by the State in procuring matedals or services in subsUlution
far those due from the Contractor.
9.6. C~n gf Pa~ ~'l'ermpuation. The Contractor shall continue topeaq~~Wl~tll of the Contract, up to the date
of lamllnation. as directed in the teDDDWlon notice.
10. Contract Claims
.All contract claims or c:ontroveraies under this Contract shall be resolved according to
A.BS. Title 41, Chapter 23, Article 9, and rules adopted thereunder.
11. .lzbllradoza
The parties to this Contract agree to resolve all disputes arising out of or relating to this
contract through arbitration, after exbaasting applicable admhdstrative review, to the
extent required by AR.S. § 12-1518, except as may be required by other appllcab1e
statutes ('l'itle 41).
12. Commenta Welcome
KISPO ValuePaint
Bod? .lrmol' ~acluats
Administmed by the State af Colorado (hereinafter "Lead State 11
Point Blank Entezpdsea, Jue.
Master Agreement No: 20Ui·181
(herebmfter "Contractor')
State of Adzcma
(hereinafter "Participating State/Entity"}
The State Pmc:arement Office periodically reviews the Unilcmn Temus and CcmcUtlcms am:l
welcomes any comments you may have. Pieaae submit your comments to: State
Pracmement Administrator, State Prac:umment Office, 100 Noith l&th Avenue. Suite 201,
Phoenfz. .Admna. 85007.
1.Jr'f!',!fJI; t;f
C011 ~CJ10~·1·1cn r.:.:
~partment of State I ~ I Search Records I ~y...§n111y~ I
Detail by Entity Name
Florida Limited Liability Company
flllng Information
Document Number L17000068857
FEl/EIN Number 59-3281291
Date Flied 03/28/2017
Effective Date 10/10/1994
State FL
Event Date Flied 04/04/2017
Event Effective Date NONE
f.cilWpal Address
Changed: 09/19/2017
.Milllng Address
Changed: 09/19/2017
.B§gjstered Agent Name & Address
Name Changed: 01/30/2018
Address Changed: 01/30/2018
Authorized person(!!)...llmitll
Name & Address
Report Year
oocument lmagn
Filed Date
01/0812020 -ANNUAL REPORT
04(10/2019 -ANNUAL REPORT
01130/2018 -ANNUAL REPORT
04/04/2017 -LC Amendment
03128/2017 -Florida Limited L!ab!!lty,
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,. •·i ·..... ..• . ' .J ,. • , •·•·•• ••••••
r::As:ir~n.sunbiz.oro/lnoulrv/CorooratlonSearch/SearchResultDetail?inauirvtvpe=EntltyName&directlonType=lnitlal&searchNameOrder=SRTSUPPLY L 1... 212
Carlos Hernandez
Paul H. Hernandez
Council President
Oscar De La Rosa
Council Vice President
October 23, 2020
City of Hialeah
Honorable Mayor Carlos Hernandez
And Council Members
Hialeah, Florida 33010
RE: Annis Tactical Vest and Torso Shooter Cut Rifle Plate
Dem Mayor Hernandez and Council Members:
Council Members
Katharinic Cuc-Fuente
.Jacqueline Garcin-Rovc:
Monica Perez
.Jesus Tundidor
Cnrl Zogby
Pursuant to the City of Hialeah Code of Ordinances 2-818, the City is authorized to piggyback and
enter into contracts without competitive bidding by utilizing existing local, state or other
governmental authorities that followed a competitive bidding procedure leading to the award of a
The Hialeah Police Department would like to utilize the Value Point NASPO Master Agreement
2016-181 to purchase twenty Annis IJIA vest and ihrty torso shooter cut rifle plates. The vests and
plates will be utilized by our Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT). The CNT unit is cum:mtly working
with a vest that has exceeded its shelf life. The expired vest and rifle plate will not protect our CNT
unit \Vith the same reliability and consistency and should be replaced immediately.
I respectfully request authorization to expend Police Department L.E.T.F. State funds in an amount
not to exceed $45,765.00 payable to the SRT Supply.
The balance remaining in the 105.1000.521~40 L.E.T.F. State account aller this request is
........... ) as of the agenda deadline.
APPROVED I DISAPPROVED: ------Luis Suarez, Acting Purchasing Manager
Ines Beecher, OMB Director
Carlos Hernandez, Mayor
5{U Patm ;\wnuc1 Hialeah, Floridl'I · lJ010~47J9
I, Sergio Velazquez, Chief of Police, Hialeah Police Department do hereby ccrti fy that
the aforementioned request to expend funds from account ff l 05. l 000.521 b ~O L.E.T.F. State in a
total amount not to exceed $45,765.00 for twenty Arm· IIA vest and lorty torso sj1ootcr cut
rifle plates. /,/
Chief of Police
Sworn to and subscribed before me this~ day of..Q~be(._ 2020
(Notary Seal)
,.~;1:'.5.f:·-. MADELYNE AMADOR '~~.),",;; Not' P bf" S i~'.: .;:i.--:: ~: ury U IC· Idle of i'!onda
\;?-~it:;{,.f/ Commission It GG 357970
···.J?t "'./ My Comm. Expires Jot 2 J, 2023
Bonccc through N,1tio1i.1! Notary A~~n.
Personally Known: _ _X,_ ······················' OR Produced Identification: . ·-·····-···~-
Type of Identification Produced: ____ _
·· ..
. . ·: .. ~ .·.
,, '\ '·,:,:.:..·,
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